
#' Projection Matrix
#' Given a linear dimension reduction method projection_matrix parses the data 
#' and uses the specific linear dimension reduction to return the projection 
#' matrix. The projection_matrix function should be used if the user wishes just
#' to produce the projection matrix as opposed to the data reduction matrix.
#' @param x data or reduced class object
#' @param method linear dimension reduction methods
#' @param group the grouping variable in the data
#' @param ... options past to linear dimension reduction methods
#' @export
projection_matrix <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname projection_matrix
#' @export
projection_matrix.list <- function(x, method = SYS, ...){
  ls <- list(...)
  ls$x <- x
  obj <- do.call(method, ls)
  object <- obj[-which(names(obj) == "projectedData")]
  class(object) <- "projection_matrix"

#' @rdname projection_matrix
#' @export
projection_matrix.default <- function(x, method = SYS, ..., group){
  ls <- list(...)
  gr <- substitute(group)
    gr <- deparse(gr)
  dat <- dataToListMatrix(x = x, group = gr)
  ls$x <- dat
  obj <- do.call(method, ls)
  object <- obj[-which(names(obj) == "projectedData")]
  class(object) <- "projection_matrix"
BenBarnard/hldr documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:57 a.m.