amean_bymot_jack: Arithmetic mean (amean) by motif (bymot) by jackknife (jack)...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector computed as the arithmetic mean of all elements belonging to the same motif.


amean_bymot_jack(fctMot, jack)



a vector of numeric values of elements belonging to a same motif.


a vector of two elements. The first one jack[1] specifies the size of subset, the second one jack[2] specifies the number of subsets.


Prediction is computed using arithmetic mean amean by motif bymot in a whole (WITHOUT taking into account species contribution). The elements belonging to a same motif are divided into jack[2] subsets of jack[1] elements. Prediction is computed by excluding jack[1] elements, of which the element to predict. If the total number of elements belonging to the motif is lower than jack[1]*jack[2], prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).


Return a vector of same length as fctMot, of which values are computed as the arithmetic mean of all vector elements.

BenitoJaillard/combinAna documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:17 a.m.