
#' # Poisson ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #' Calculates the largest value for which the Poisson score function is zero.
#' #' @param c A non-negative integer; the observed count.
#' #' @param b A positive scalar; the expected count.
#' #' @return A scalar greater than or equal to 1.
#' #' @importFrom emdbook lambertW
#' #' @keywords internal
#' poisson_qmax <- function(c, b) {
#'   r <- c / b
#'   ifelse(r > 1,
#'          -r * lambertW(-(1/r) * exp(-1/r), b = -1),
#'          1)
#' }
#' #' Compute Poisson priority function values cumulatively over time.
#' #' 
#' #' Given a matrices with observed and expected counts (baselines) for each 
#' #' timepoint (row) and location/data stream (column), sum counts and baselines 
#' #' cumulatively backwards in time, and compute the Poisson priority function
#' #' value for each column and subset of time.
#' #' @param counts A matrix of observed counts. Rows represent timepoints, ordered
#' #'    from most recent to most distant. Columns represent e.g. locations or
#' #'    data streams.
#' #' @param baselines A matrix of expected counts with the same dimensions as
#' #'    \code{counts}.
#' #' @param scalar_priority_fun A function taking two arguments \code{c} (count)
#' #'    and \code{b} (baseline) and returning a scalar.
#' #' @return A matrix with the same dimensions as \code{counts}. The \eqn{i}th 
#' #'    element in each column contains the Poisson priority function value for 
#' #'    the window of time (duration) stretching from 1 to \eqn{i}, for that
#' #'    column.
#' #' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' poisson_priority <- function(counts, 
#'                              baselines, 
#'                              scalar_priority_fun = poisson_qmax) {
#'   agg_c <- as.vector(apply(counts, 2, cumsum))
#'   agg_b <- as.vector(apply(baselines, 2, cumsum))
#'   prios <- suppressWarnings(map2_dbl(agg_c, agg_b, scalar_priority_fun))
#'   matrix(prios, nrow(counts), ncol(counts))
#' }
#' #' Compute the score for an individual Poisson observation.
#' #' @param c A non-negative integer; the observed count.
#' #' @param b A positive scalar; the expected count.
#' #' @return A scalar; the score.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' poisson_lambda <- function(c, b) {
#'   q <- c / b
#'   c * log(q) + b * (1 - q)
#' }
#' #' Compute the Poisson score for each priority subset, for each duration.
#' #' @inheritParams poisson_priority
#' #' @param priority_indices A matrix of the same size as the input. On each row
#' #'    (duration), column numbers are given in order of priority.
#' #' @return A matrix of the same dimension as the input matrices.
#' #' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' poisson_score <- function(counts, baselines, priority_indices) {
#'   # Since the sum of Poisson random variables is Poisson with parameter equal
#'   # to the sum of the individual parameters, compute cumulative sums over 
#'   # duration (rows) for each column. Then re-arrange values in each row by 
#'   # priority, and use the same property again by computing cumulative sums over
#'   # locations/data streams (columns) for each row.
#'   counts <- sum_reorder_sum(counts, priority_indices)
#'   baselines <- sum_reorder_sum(baselines, priority_indices)
#'   # Compute scores for corresponding element pairs in the count and baseline
#'   # matrices
#'   matrix(map2_dbl(counts, baselines, poisson_lambda), 
#'          nrow(priority_indices), 
#'          ncol(priority_indices))
#' }
#' # Gaussian ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #' Calculates the largest value for which the Gaussian score function is zero.
#' #' @param c A scalar; the observed value.
#' #' @param b A scalar; the expected value.
#' #' @return A scalar greater than or equal to 1.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' gaussian_qmax <- function(c, b) {
#'   ifelse(c > b, 2 * c / b - 1, 1)
#' }
#' #' Compute Gaussian priority function values cumulatively over time.
#' #' 
#' #' Given a matrices with observed and expected values (baselines) for each 
#' #' timepoint (row) and location/data stream (column), sum counts and baselines 
#' #' cumulatively backwards in time, and compute the Gaussian priority function
#' #' value for each column and subset of time.
#' #' @param counts A matrix of observed counts. Rows represent timepoints, ordered
#' #'    from most recent to most distant. Columns represent e.g. locations or
#' #'    data streams.
#' #' @param baselines A matrix of expected counts with the same dimensions as
#' #'    \code{counts}.
#' #' @param scalar_priority_fun A function taking two arguments \code{c} (count)
#' #'    and \code{b} (baseline) and returning a scalar.
#' #' @return A matrix with the same dimensions as \code{counts}. The \eqn{i}th 
#' #'    element in each column contains the Gaussian priority function value for 
#' #'    the window of time (duration) stretching from 1 to \eqn{i}, for that
#' #'    column.
#' #' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' gaussian_priority <- function(counts, 
#'                               baselines, 
#'                               scalar_priority_fun = gaussian_qmax) {
#'   agg_c <- as.vector(apply(counts, 2, cumsum))
#'   agg_b <- as.vector(apply(baselines, 2, cumsum))
#'   prios <- map2_dbl(agg_c, agg_b, scalar_priority_fun)
#'   matrix(prios, nrow(counts), ncol(counts))
#' }
#' #' Compute the score for an individual Gaussian observation.
#' #' @param c A scalar; the observed value.
#' #' @param b A scalar; the expected value.
#' #' @param s2 A scalar; the variance.
#' #' @return A scalar; the score.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' gaussian_lambda <- function(c, b, s2) {
#'   q <- c / b
#'   c * b * (q - 1) / s2 + b^2 * (1 - q^2) / (2 * s2)
#' }
#' #' Compute the Gaussian score for each priority subset, for each duration.
#' #' @inheritParams gaussian_priority
#' #' @param variances A matrix of variances with the same dimensions as 
#' #'    \code{counts}.
#' #' @param priority_indices A matrix of the same size as the input. On each row
#' #'    (duration), column numbers are given in order of priority.
#' #' @return A matrix of the same dimension as the input matrices.
#' #' @importFrom purrr pmap_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' gaussian_score <- function(counts, baselines, variances, priority_indices) {
#'   # Since the sum of Gaussian random variables is Gaussian with parameters 
#'   # (expected value and variance) equal to the sum of the individual parameters, 
#'   # compute cumulative sums over duration (rows) for each column. Then 
#'   # re-arrange values in each row by priority, and use the same property again 
#'   # by computing cumulative sums over locations/data streams (columns) for each 
#'   # row.
#'   counts <- sum_reorder_sum(counts, priority_indices)
#'   baselines <- sum_reorder_sum(baselines, priority_indices)
#'   variances <- sum_reorder_sum(variances, priority_indices)
#'   args <- list(c = counts, b = baselines, s2 = variances)
#'   # Compute scores for corresponding element pairs in the count and baseline
#'   # matrices
#'   matrix(pmap_dbl(.l = args, .f = gaussian_lambda), 
#'          nrow(priority_indices), 
#'          ncol(priority_indices))
#' }
#' # Exponential ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #' Calculates the largest value for which the exponential score function is
#' #' zero.
#' #' @param c A scalar; the observed value.
#' #' @param b A scalar; the expected value.
#' #' @return A scalar greater than or equal to 1.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' exponential_qmax <- function(c, b) {
#'   -c/b * 1 / emdbook::lambertW(-c/b * exp(-c/b), b = 0)
#' }
#' #' Compute exponential priority function values cumulatively over time.
#' #'
#' #' Given a matrices with observed and expected values (baselines) for each
#' #' timepoint (row) and location/data stream (column), sum counts and baselines
#' #' cumulatively backwards in time, and compute the exponential priority function
#' #' value for each column and subset of time.
#' #' @param counts A matrix of observed counts. Rows represent timepoints, ordered
#' #'    from most recent to most distant. Columns represent e.g. locations or
#' #'    data streams.
#' #' @param baselines A matrix of expected counts with the same dimensions as
#' #'    \code{counts}.
#' #' @param scalar_priority_fun A function taking two arguments \code{c} (count)
#' #'    and \code{b} (baseline) and returning a scalar.
#' #' @return A matrix with the same dimensions as \code{counts}. The \eqn{i}th
#' #'    element in each column contains the exponential priority function value
#' #'    for the window of time (duration) stretching from 1 to \eqn{i}, for that
#' #'    column.
#' #' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' exponential_priority <- function(counts,
#'                                  baselines,
#'                                  scalar_priority_fun = exponential_qmax) {
#'   agg_c <- as.vector(apply(counts, 2, cumsum))
#'   agg_b <- as.vector(apply(baselines, 2, cumsum))
#'   prios <- map2_dbl(agg_c, agg_b, scalar_priority_fun)
#'   matrix(prios, nrow(counts), ncol(counts))
#' }
#' #' Compute the score for an individual exponential observation.
#' #' @param c A scalar; the observed value.
#' #' @param b A scalar; the expected value.
#' #' @return A scalar; the score.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' exponential_lambda <- function(c, b) {
#'   q <- c / b
#'   q * (1 - 1 / q) - log(q)
#' }
#' #' Compute the exponential score for each priority subset, for each duration.
#' #' @inheritParams exponential_priority
#' #' @param priority_indices A matrix of the same size as the input. On each row
#' #'    (duration), column numbers are given in order of priority.
#' #' @return A matrix of the same dimension as the input matrices.
#' #' @importFrom purrr pmap_dbl
#' #' @keywords internal
#' exponential_score <- function(counts, baselines, priority_indices) {
#'   counts <- sum_reorder_sum(counts, priority_indices)
#'   baselines <- sum_reorder_sum(baselines, priority_indices)
#'   variances <- sum_reorder_sum(variances, priority_indices)
#'   args <- list(c = counts, b = baselines)
#'   # Compute scores for corresponding element pairs in the count and baseline
#'   # matrices
#'   matrix(pmap_dbl(.l = args, .f = exponential_lambda),
#'          nrow(priority_indices),
#'          ncol(priority_indices))
#' }
BenjaK/scanstatistics documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:41 p.m.