
#' #' Aggregate (sum) values over all data streams, and cumulatively over time.
#' #' @param A An array with three dimensions. Dimensions are: 
#' #'    \describe{
#' #'      \item{Dimension 1}{Time, ordered from most recent to most distant.}
#' #'      \item{Dimension 2}{Location, enumerated from 1 and up.}
#' #'      \item{Dimension 3}{Data stream, enumerated from 1 and up.}
#' #'    }  
#' #' @return A matrix with \code{dim(A)[1]} rows and \code{dim(A)[2]} columns.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' aggregate_per_location <- function(A) {
#'   apply(apply(A, 1:2, sum), 2, cumsum)
#' }
#' #' Aggregate (sum) values over all locations, and cumulatively over time.
#' #' @param A An array with three dimensions. Dimensions are: 
#' #'    \describe{
#' #'      \item{Dimension 1}{Time, ordered from most recent to most distant.}
#' #'      \item{Dimension 2}{Location, enumerated from 1 and up.}
#' #'      \item{Dimension 3}{Data stream, enumerated from 1 and up.}
#' #'    }  
#' #' @return A matrix with \code{dim(A)[1]} rows and \code{dim(A)[3]} columns.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' aggregate_per_stream <- function(A) {
#'   apply(apply(A, c(1, 3), sum), 2, cumsum)
#' }
#' #' Apply a function to each row of a matrix.
#' #' 
#' #' Apply a function to each row of a matrix. If the function returns a scalar,
#' #' then return a vector. If the function returns a vector, return a matrix with
#' #' the same number of rows.
#' #' @param A A matrix.
#' #' @param .f A function taking a vector as a first argument. This function 
#' #'    should preferably return a vector of the same length as the first 
#' #'    argument.
#' #' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{.f}.
#' #' @return In case \code{.f} returns a vector of length \code{n}, a matrix with
#' #'    \code{nrow(A)} rows and \code{n} columns is returned. If \code{.f} returns
#' #'    a scalar, a vector with \code{nrow(A)} elements is returned.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' apply_rowwise <- function(A, .f, ...) {
#'   res <- apply(A, 1, .f, ...)
#'   if (is.null(dim(res))) {
#'     return(res)
#'   } else {
#'     return(t(res))
#'   }
#' }
#' #' Order row contents by priority for each timepoint.
#' #' 
#' #' Given a matrix of priority function values, return a matrix in which each 
#' #' row gives the column indices of the corresponding row in the priority matrix,
#' #' when that row has been sorted from highest to lowest priority value.
#' #' @param priority_matrix A numeric or integer matrix. Rows represent time (ordered from 
#' #'    most recent to most distant), columns represent e.g. locations or data
#' #'    streams (numbered from 1 and up). The element in row \eqn{i} and column
#' #'     \eqn{j} holds the priority of the \eqn{j}th location/data stream for 
#' #'     times \eqn{1,\ldots,i}.
#' #' @return A matrix of the same size as the input. On each row, column indices
#' #'    are given in order of priority.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' prioritize_cols <- function(priority_matrix) {
#'   # For each row (time), rank each value from smallest (rank 1) to largest.
#'   # When priority values are tied, columns indices with lower number go first.
#'   ranked_prios <- apply_rowwise(priority_matrix, 
#'                                 function(x) order(x, rev(seq_along(x))))
#'   # For each row, replace the rank with the index of the corresponding column
#'   t(apply(ranked_prios, 1, function(x) rev(seq_len(ncol(ranked_prios))[x])))
#' }
#' #' Reorder rows by priority.
#' #' 
#' #' Reorder each row in the input matrix \code{A} by the column indices found
#' #' in the corresponding row of the matrix \code{priority_indices}.
#' #' @param A A matrix, containing e.g. counts or baselines. Rows represent time 
#' #'    (ordered from most recent to most distant), columns represent e.g. 
#' #'    locations or data streams (numbered from 1 and up).
#' #' @param priority_indices An integer matrix as output by 
#' #'    \code{\link{prioritize_cols}}.
#' #' @return An integer matrix of the same dimension as \code{A}.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' reorder_rows <- function(A, priority_indices) {
#'   t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(A)), function(t) A[t, priority_indices[t, ]]))
#' }
#' #' Order locations accorder to priority, then apply function.
#' #' @param .f A function taking a vector as first argument.
#' #' @param A A matrix, e.g. containing counts or baselines. Rows represent time 
#' #'    (ordered from most recent to most distant), columns represent locations 
#' #'    (numbered from 1 and up).
#' #' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{.f}.
#' #' @return A matrix of the same dimension as \code{A}.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' prioritize_and_execute <- function(.f, A, prioritized_locations, ...) {
#'   apply_rowwise(reorder_rows(A, prioritized_locations), .f, ...)
#' }
#' #' Get either a location or stream subset.
#' #' @param lst A list.
#' #' @param d Integer; either 2 (locations) or 3 (streams).
#' #' @return A list.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' get_subset <- function(lst, subset, d = 3) {
#'   dims <- dim(lst[[1]])
#'   loc_subset <- seq_len(dims[2])
#'   stream_subset <- seq_len(dims[3])
#'   if (d == 2) {
#'     loc_subset <- subset
#'   } else if (d == 3) {
#'     stream_subset <- subset
#'   } else {
#'     stop("d must be either 2 or 3")
#'   }
#'   lapply(lst, function(x) x[ , loc_subset, stream_subset, drop = FALSE])
#' }
#' #' For each array in a list, sum over dimension \code{d}.
#' #' @param lst List containing 3-dimensional arrays. The second dimension should
#' #'    represent locations, and the third dimension should represent data 
#' #'    streams.
#' #' @param subset An integer vector holding a subset of indices.
#' #' @param d An integer; the array dimension to sum over.
#' #' @return A list containing matrices. This list has the same names as the input
#' #'    list.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' sum_over_subset <- function(lst, subset, d = 3) {
#'   lapply(get_subset(lst, subset, d), function(x) apply(x, (1:3)[-d], sum))
#' }
#' # Used for priority functions --------------------------------------------------
#' #' Cumulatively sum, order by priority, then sum again.
#' #' 
#' #' For a given matrix, form a new matrix by cumulatively summing over its 
#' #' columns. Reorder the row contents in this matrix by the corresponding indices 
#' #' in the given priority matrix. Then cumulatively sum over each row, yielding
#' #' a new matrix of the same size as the input matrix.
#' #' @param A A numeric or integer matrix.
#' #' @param priority_indices An integer matrix as output by 
#' #'    \code{\link{prioritize_cols}}.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' sum_reorder_sum <- function(A, priority_indices) {
#'   t(apply(reorder_rows(apply(A, 2, cumsum), priority_indices), 1, cumsum))
#' }
BenjaK/scanstatistics documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:41 p.m.