
#' #' Compute the Fast Subset Scan statistic for multivariate space-time data.
#' #' 
#' #' Compute the most likely cluster (MLC) using one of the Fast Subset Scan 
#' #' methods proposed by Neill et al. (2013). 
#' #' 
#' #' The data suitable for this function should consists of multiple variables 
#' #' ("data streams") observed over time at several locations, collected into an
#' #' array. The goal is to identify a subset (cluster) of data streams, locations, 
#' #' and time periods that has higher observed counts than expected. The method
#' #' will only detect clusters that are active, in the sense that they stretch 
#' #' from the most recent time period to some number of time periods back. The
#' #' counts can either be discrete or continuous; choose the \code{distribution}
#' #' parameter to suit your data.
#' #' 
#' #' @section Method: Subset Aggregation
#' #' Briefly, this method supposes the relative risk is constant and the same over
#' #' all data streams, locations, and time periods. Three versions of this method
#' #' exist, available through the parameter \code{algorithm}:
#' #' \describe{
#' #'   \item{fast}{Fast randomized optimization over both subsets of locations and 
#' #'               subsets of data streams.}
#' #'   \item{naive_streams}{Fast optimization over subsets of locations and naive 
#' #'                        optimization over subsets of streams. Can be used if 
#' #'                        the number of data streams is small. Denoted "FN" in
#' #'                        the paper by Neill et al. (2013).}
#' #'   \item{naive_locations}{Fast optimization over subsets of streams and naive 
#' #'                          optimization over subsets of locations. Can be used 
#' #'                          if the number of locations or spatial zones (groups
#' #'                          of locations considered jointly) is small. Denoted 
#' #'                          "NF" in the paper by Neill et al. (2013).}
#' #' }
#' #' Note: algorithm not quite as in Neill et al. (2013) since the randomly chosen 
#' #' subset of streams is the same for all time windows.
#' #' @section Method: Score Aggregation
#' #' Briefly, this method supposes that the relative risk is constant and the same
#' #' over all locations and time periods, but differ between data streams. Two 
#' #' versions of this method exist, available through the parameter 
#' #' \code{algorithm}:
#' #' \describe{
#' #'   \item{fast}{Fast randomized optimization over both subsets of locations and 
#' #'               subsets of data streams.}
#' #'   \item{naive_locations}{Fast optimization over subsets of streams and naive 
#' #'                          optimization over subsets of locations. Can be used 
#' #'                          if the number of locations or spatial zones (groups
#' #'                          of locations considered jointly) is small. Denoted 
#' #'                          "NK" in the paper by Neill et al. (2013).}
#' #' }
#' #' Note: this method is called "Kulldorff's method" in Neill et al. (2013).
#' #' @param counts An array of counts (integer or numeric). First
#' #'    dimension is time, ordered from most recent to most distant. Second 
#' #'    dimension indicates locations, which will be enumerated from 1 and up. 
#' #'    Third dimension indicates data streams, which will be enumerated from 1 
#' #'    and up.
#' #' @param distribution A string; one of "poisson", "gaussian", "exponential".
#' #' @param method A string; one of "subset" and "score". See explanation below.
#' #' @param algorithm A string; one of "fast", "naive_streams", "naive_locations".
#' #'    See explanation below.
#' #' @param parameters An optional list of parameters suitable for the 
#' #'    distribution chosen. Possible named elements are:
#' #'    \describe{
#' #'      \item{baselines}{An array of the same dimensions as \code{counts}. 
#' #'      Should hold the expected value of the count for each location, time
#' #'      point and data stream.}
#' #'      \item{variances}{An array of the same dimensions as \code{counts}.
#' #'      Should hold the variance of the count for each location, time
#' #'      point and data stream. Suitable for the gaussian distribution.}
#' #'    }
#' #' @param population An optional array, matrix or vector of populations.
#' #'    If an array, be of same dimensions as \code{counts}. If a matrix, should
#' #'    have as many rows as there are data streams and as many columns as there
#' #'    are locations. If a vector, should have the same length as the number of 
#' #'    locations. 
#' #' @param knn_matrix An optional integer matrix in which each row corresponds to
#' #'    a location. Each row starts with the index of the location (i.e. row 
#' #'    \eqn{i} has the integer \eqn{i} as its first element). Following that, the
#' #'    \code{(ncol(knn_matrix) - 1)} nearest neighbors of location \eqn{i} are
#' #'    listed in increasing order of distance on the same row. If this argument 
#' #'    is included, the search for the MLC are only done in these kNN subsets of
#' #'    locations.
#' #' @param zones An optional list of integer vectors. If included, the search for
#' #'    MLC will only be made in these subsets of locations.
#' #' @param ... Optional arguments, which are:
#' #'    \describe{
#' #'      \item{R}{The number of random restarts for the "fast" algorithms.}
#' #'      \item{rel_tol}{The relative tolerance criterion, used to determine 
#' #'      convergence for the "fast" algorithms. If the current score divided by 
#' #'      the previous score, minus one, is less than this number then the 
#' #'      algorithm is deemed to have converged.}
#' #'    }
#' #' @return A list containing the most likely cluster (MLC), having the following 
#' #'    elements:
#' #'    \describe{
#' #'      \item{score}{A scalar; the score of the MLC.}
#' #'      \item{duration}{An integer; the duration of the MLC, i.e. how many time 
#' #'                      periods from the present into the past the MLC 
#' #'                      stretches.}
#' #'      \item{locations}{An integer vector; the locations contained in the MLC.}
#' #'      \item{streams}{An integer vector; the data streams contained in the 
#' #'                     MLC.}
#' #'      \item{random_restarts}{FF only. The number of random restarts 
#' #'                             performed.}
#' #'      \item{iter_to_conv}{FF only. The number of iterations it took to reach 
#' #'                          convergence for each random restart.}
#' #'    }
#' #' @details 
#' #' @references 
#' #'    Neill, Daniel B., Edward McFowland, and Huanian Zheng (2013). \emph{Fast 
#' #'    subset scan for multivariate event detection}. Statistics in Medicine 
#' #'    32 (13), pp. 2185-2208.
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @examples 
#' #' \dontrun{
#' #' # Set simulation parameters (small)
#' #' set.seed(1)
#' #' n_loc <- 20
#' #' n_dur <- 10
#' #' n_streams <- 2
#' #' n_tot <- n_loc * n_dur * n_streams
#' #' 
#' #' # Create locations and kNN matrix
#' #' geo <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n_loc), y = rnorm(n_loc))
#' #' knn_mat <- coords_to_knn(geo, k = 10)
#' #' 
#' #' # Generate baselines and possibly other distribution parameters
#' #' baselines <- rexp(n_tot, 1/5) + rexp(n_tot, 1/5)
#' #' sigma2s <- rexp(n_tot)
#' #' 
#' #' # Generate counts
#' #' counts <- rpois(n_tot, baselines)
#' #' 
#' #' # Reshape into arrays
#' #' counts <- array(counts, c(n_dur, n_loc, n_streams))
#' #' baselines <- array(baselines, c(n_dur, n_loc, n_streams))
#' #' sigma2s <- array(sigma2s, c(n_dur, n_loc, n_streams))
#' #' 
#' #' # Inject an outbreak/event
#' #' ob_loc <- 1:floor(n_loc / 4)
#' #' ob_dur <- 1:floor(n_dur / 4)
#' #' ob_streams <- 1:floor(n_streams / 2)
#' #' counts[ob_dur, ob_loc, ob_streams] <- 4 * counts[ob_dur, ob_loc, ob_streams]
#' #' 
#' #' # Run the Subset Aggregation FN algorithm
#' #' FN_res <- mscan_fss(
#' #'   counts = counts,
#' #'   distribution = "poisson",
#' #'   algorithm = "naive_streams"
#' #'   parameters = list(baselines = baselines))
#' #'   
#' #' # Run the FF algorithm (few random restarts)
#' #' FF_res <- mscan_fss(
#' #'   counts = counts,
#' #'   distribution = "gaussian",
#' #'   algorithm = "fast"
#' #'   parameters = list(baselines = baselines, variances = variances),
#' #'   knn_matrix = knn_mat,
#' #'   R = 10)
#' #' }
#' mscan_fss <- function(counts,
#'                       distribution = c("poisson", "gaussian", "exponential"),
#'                       method = c("subset", "score"),
#'                       algorithm = c("fast", "naive_streams", "naive_locations"),
#'                       parameters = NULL,
#'                       population = NULL,
#'                       knn_matrix = NULL,
#'                       zones = NULL,
#'                       ...) {
#'   args <- list(...)
#'   args$counts <- counts
#'   distribution <- distribution[1]
#'   method <- method[1]
#'   algorithm <- algorithm[1]
#'   # Define score and priority functions matching the distribution
#'   if (distribution == "poisson") {
#'     priority_fun <- poisson_priority
#'     score_fun <- poisson_score
#'   } else if (distribution == "gaussian") {
#'     priority_fun <- gaussian_priority
#'     score_fun <- gaussian_score
#'   } else if (distribution == "exponential") {
#'     priority_fun <- exponential_priority
#'     score_fun <- exponential_score
#'   } else if ( !methods::hasArg("score_fun") || 
#'               !methods::hasArg("priority_fun") ) {
#'     stop("Either supply your own score and priority functions, or make sure",
#'          "that the argument distribution is one of 'poisson', 'gaussian'", 
#'          "'exponential'.")
#'   }
#'   # Define score and priority functions if they were supplied
#'   if (methods::hasArg("score_fun")) {
#'     score_fun <- args$score_fun
#'   }
#'   if (methods::hasArg("priority_fun")) {
#'     priority_fun <- args$priority_fun
#'   }
#'   # Estimate baselines and other parameters from data if not supplied
#'   if (is.null(parameters)) {
#'     args$baselines <- estimate_baselines(counts)
#'     if (distribution == "gaussian") {
#'       args$variances <- estimate_variances(counts)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if (!(method %in% c("subset", "score"))) {
#'     stop('Method must be either "subset" or "score".')
#'   }
#'   # Subset aggregation ---------------------------------------------------------
#'   if (method == "subset") {
#'     if (algorithm == "fast") {
#'       return(subset_aggregation_FF(args,
#'                                    score_fun,
#'                                    priority_fun,
#'                                    ...))
#'     } else if (!(algorithm %in% c("naive_locations", "naive_streams"))) {
#'       stop('algorithm must be one of "fast", "naive_locations", ',
#'            '"naive_streams" if using the Subset Aggregation method.')
#'     } else {
#'       algo <- ifelse(algorithm == "naive_locations", "NF", "FN")
#'       return(subset_aggregation_FN_NF(args,
#'                                       score_fun,
#'                                       priority_fun,
#'                                       algo))
#'     }
#'   # Score aggregation ----------------------------------------------------------
#'   } else if (method == "score") {
#'     if (algorithm == "fast") {
#'       # return(score_aggregation_FF())
#'     } else if (algorithm != "naive_locations") {
#'       stop('algorithm must be one of "fast" and "naive_locations"')
#'     } else {
#'       # return(score_aggregation_NF())
#'     }
#'   } else {
#'     stop('method must be one of "subset" and "score".')
#'   }
#' }
BenjaK/scanstatistics documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:41 p.m.