correlation_central_element: Determine the most similar of a list of elements to all other...

correlation_central_elementR Documentation

Determine the most similar of a list of elements to all other elements in the list based on a correlation matrix


Calculates maximum similarity/correlation between any single element of group and all other elements


correlation_central_element(correlation_data, elements)



Data.frame or matrix of similarity scores / correlations containing at a minimum all elements. This df should be symmetrical - i.e. have equivalent values for row A to column B and row B to column A


Character vector of the set of elements ( i.e. features ) from which to determine greatest similarity. Values must be a subset of correlation_data row and column names


Returns the name of the element that is most similar to all other elements in the set

Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/binfotron documentation built on Oct. 1, 2024, 8:33 p.m.