
Provides simplified access to OPeNDAP daymet data served by ORNL thredds server.



Using devtools


Accessing grids

First, instantiate a DaymetGridRefClass object with a uri. This process can take a bit of time and requires some patience as two large matrices of cell locations are automatically downloaded.

A uri can be constructed for a given year and parameter.


(uri <- daymet_grid_uri(year = 2018, param = "tmin"))
# [1] ""

(X <- DaymetGrid(uri))
# please be patient as cell locations are downloaded
# Reference Class: "DaymetGridRefClass" 
# opened: 

Now get a layers for a specified bounding box. Note that bounding box is required and defaults to the boundary shown in the help pages. This is daily data; we get two layers, one each for Jan 5 and Jan 6 of 2018.

bb <- c(-85.37, -81.29, 33.57, 36.61)
R <- X$get_raster(bb = bb, layers = c(5,6))
# class       : RasterStack 
# dimensions  : 390, 417, 162630, 2  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
# resolution  : 1000, 1000  (x, y)
# extent      : 1249250, 1666250, -835500, -445500  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# coord. ref. : +proj=lcc +lon_0=-100 +lat_0=42.5 +lat_1=25 +lat_2=60 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m  +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
# names       : layer.5, layer.6 
# min values  :   -22.0,   -22.5 
# max values  :    -7.0,    -6.5 


Show the result on a map using leaflet. The blue polygon is the requested bounding box, but, because of the Lambert projection, some additional data is retrieved in order to cover the entire request area.


leaflet() %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addRasterImage(R[['layer.5']], project = TRUE, opacity = 0.6) %>%
    addPolygons(lng = bb[c(1,2,2,1,1)], lat = bb[c(3,3,4,4,3)], fill = FALSE)


Accessing station data

Station data are stored by year and variable (tmin, tmax, prcp). The number of stations may vary by year. We provide facilities for searching for stations nearest to a user specified location, and for retrieving data for a specified station.

uri <- daymet_station_uri(year = 2018, param = 'tmin')
X <- DaymetStations(uri)

lon = -70.180833
lat = 43.799444
x <- X$closest_stations(lon, lat)

# this is a little slow for first time use
# but subsequent calls for the same object instance are fast.
(station_name <- X$station_name(x$index))
 [1] "GRAY"                  "LONG IS"               "PORTLAND INTL JETPORT" "DURHAM"               
 [5] "WINDHAM 2NW"           "POLAND"                "BATH"                  "WISCASSET AP"         
 [9] "HOLLIS"                "TURNER"   

leaflet() %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addMarkers(lng = x$lon, lat = x$lat,   
                label = station_name,
                labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T)) %>%
    addCircleMarkers(lng = lon, lat = lat, color = 'black',
                radius = 20,
                label = 'location',
                labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T))


Extracting data for a station is pretty easy by station_name, station_id or index into the dataset.


GrayMe <- X$station_data(name = "GRAY") %>%
    gather(type, tmin, -date)


ggplot(data = GrayMe, aes(x=date, y=tmin, colour=type)) +
    geom_line() + 
    labs(y = "tmin (C)", title = "Gray, Maine: 2018 Minimum Daily Temperature")


BigelowLab/daymet documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 8:21 a.m.