Man pages for BigelowLab/plateLayout
Tools for working with plate (tray) layout definitions.

as.matrix.plateLayoutReturns a matrix form of the plate layout
check.wellnameChecks a well name to make sure it follows the A01 format
check.wellnamesA wrapper around 'check.wellname'
colnames.plateLayoutReturns the column names of the plateLayout object as if it...
countWellsReturns the number of wells in a layout
create.plateLayoutCreates a plateLayout with the names attached and type...
Create_Plate_LayoutCreate and instance of Plate_Layout with fake data
dimnames.plateLayoutReturns the dimnames of the plateLayout object as if it were...
dim.plateLayoutReturns the dimensions of a nwell plateLayout
getWellnamesReturns a vector of names A01, A02,A03,...
getWellTypeGet a welltype for given well(s)
is_A01Determine is well name is in A01 format
is.plateLayoutTest is the object is of class plateLayout
Plate_LayoutCreate an instance of a Plate_Layout from text, plateLayout...
Plate_Layout_check_namesForce one or more well names into the A01 or A:1 format
Plate_Layout_colnamesRetrieve the column names
Plate_Layout_countReturn the number of wells
Plate_Layout_dimGet the dimensions of the plate, currently on 12, 96 and 384...
Plate_Layout_dimnamesReturns the dimnames of the plate as if it were a matrix
Plate_Layout_get_namesGet the names of the wells
Plate_Layout_get_typesGet one or more well types
Plate_Layout_read_fileRead layout information from a file
Plate_Layout_read_textRead layout information from a character vector
Plate_Layout_rownamesRetrieve the row names
Plate_Layout_showA pretty summary of the object
Plate_Layout_to_tecanTranslates A01, A02 names to Tecan position assignments
Plate_Layout_write_fileWrite layout information to a file
read.plateLayoutRead a tab delimited plateLayout file
rownames.plateLayoutReturns the row names of the plateLayout object as if it were...
tecan_A01Create a lookup table for translating tecan (1,2,3,...) to...
to_tecanTranslates A01, A02 names to Tecan position assignments
write.plateLayoutWrite a tab-delimited plateLayout file
BigelowLab/plateLayout documentation built on July 2, 2024, 12:33 p.m.