Plate_Layout_read_text: Read layout information from a character vector

Plate_Layout_read_textR Documentation

Read layout information from a character vector


Read layout information from a character vector



the input charcater vector, list, data.frame or matrix. Wellnames for the latter two are guessed at. If a vector or list then the names provided are used.


the length of the data vector invisibly

See Also

Other PLATE_LAYOUT: Create_Plate_Layout, Plate_Layout_check_names, Plate_Layout_colnames, Plate_Layout_count, Plate_Layout_dimnames, Plate_Layout_dim, Plate_Layout_get_names, Plate_Layout_get_types, Plate_Layout_read_file, Plate_Layout_rownames, Plate_Layout_show, Plate_Layout_to_tecan, Plate_Layout_write_file, Plate_Layout

BigelowLab/plateLayout documentation built on July 2, 2024, 12:33 p.m.