Plate_Layout_dim: Get the dimensions of the plate, currently on 12, 96 and 384...

Plate_Layout_dimR Documentation

Get the dimensions of the plate, currently on 12, 96 and 384 well plates are known


Get the dimensions of the plate, currently on 12, 96 and 384 well plates are known



numeric number of wells (optional). If not provided then the length of the current definition is used


a two element vector of [nrows, ncols] or NULL

See Also

Other PLATE_LAYOUT: Create_Plate_Layout, Plate_Layout_check_names, Plate_Layout_colnames, Plate_Layout_count, Plate_Layout_dimnames, Plate_Layout_get_names, Plate_Layout_get_types, Plate_Layout_read_file, Plate_Layout_read_text, Plate_Layout_rownames, Plate_Layout_show, Plate_Layout_to_tecan, Plate_Layout_write_file, Plate_Layout

BigelowLab/plateLayout documentation built on July 2, 2024, 12:33 p.m.