Stopwatch_get_elapsed: Get the elapsed time, possibly accumulating. If the watch is...

Stopwatch_get_elapsedR Documentation

Get the elapsed time, possibly accumulating. If the watch is running then it is current less start time. Users should not use this method directly but use the elapsed method instead.


Get the elapsed time, possibly accumulating. If the watch is running then it is current less start time. Users should not use this method directly but use the elapsed method instead.


the difftime (invisibly)

See Also

Other Stopwatch: Stopwatch_add_elapsed, Stopwatch_current_elapsed, Stopwatch_elapsed, Stopwatch_reset, Stopwatch_show, Stopwatch_start, Stopwatch_stop, Stopwatch_to_string

BigelowLab/rscripting documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 5:31 p.m.