edge_code: *Edge Code*

View source: R/sch_edge_code.R

edge_codeR Documentation

Edge Code


This function allows you to classify individual pitches based on the various categories from the Edge% metric. The dataframe passed to the function must include the batter's handedness, the px and pz coordinates from the PITCHf/x system, and the batter's height.


edge_code(df, height_var_name = "b_height")



A dataframe that, at a minimum, includes the following columns: batter height (b_height), the batter's handedness (stand), vertical location of the pitch (pz), and then horizontal location of the pitch (pz)


The name of the variable in the data set that includes the batter's height. Defaults to b_height which assumes an height + inch format. If the variable name is "Height" it assumes the variable is already converted to inches (as is the case in some databases)


Returns a tibble with the additional edge columns necessary for calculations.

BillPetti/baseballr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.