#' @describeIn setup_BioLockR set the BioLockJ projects directory path
#' @return set_BLJ_PROJ: boolean; TRUE if path is set for current session
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_BLJ_PROJ( "path/to/projects/dir" )
set_BLJ_PROJ <- function( path, remember=TRUE, doublecheck=TRUE ){
if (! file.exists(path)){
warning("path must be a valid file path. There is not directory at location: ", path)
if (remember){
confirmed = ! doublecheck
if (doublecheck){
prompt = paste0("Path [", path, "] exists. \n Use this path for BioLockJ pipelines dir in future R sessions ? y / n \n")
response = readline(prompt)
confirmed = trimws( tolower(response) ) == "y"
if (confirmed){
config = get_config_file_path()
props = read_props_file(config)
props[["BLJ_PROJ"]] = path
write_properties(config, props)
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