GOstats-package: Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays.

GOstats-packageR Documentation

Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays.


A set of tools for interacting with GO and microarray data. A variety of basic manipulation tools for graphs, hypothesis testing and other simple calculations.


Package: GOstats
Version: 1.7.4
Date: 23-08-2006
biocViews: Statistics, Annotation, GO, MultipleComparisons
Depends: graph (>= 1.9.25), GO, annotate, RBGL, xtable, Biobase, genefilter, multtest, Category (>= 1.3.7), methods
Imports: methods, Category
Suggests: hgu95av2.db (>= 1.6.0)
License: Artistic


ALL                     Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Data from the Ritz
GOstats-defunct         Defunct Functions in GOstats Package
Ndists                  Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG
compCorrGraph           A function to compute a correlation based graph
                        from Gene Expression Data
compGdist               A function to compute the distance between
                        pairs of nodes in a graph.
dropECode               Drop GO labels for specified Evidence Codes
getEvidence             Get the Evidence codes for a set of GO terms.
getGOTerm               Functions to Access GO data.
getOntology             Get GO terms for a specified ontology
hasGOannote             Check for GO annotation
idx2dimnames            Index to Dimnames
makeGOGraph             Construct a GO Graph
notConn                 Find genes that are not connected to the
oneGOGraph              Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves.
shortestPath            Shortest Path Analysis
simLL                   Functions to compute similarities between GO
                        graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on
                        their induced GO graphs.
triadCensus             Triad Functions

Further information is available in the following vignettes:

GOstats Using GOstats (source, pdf)
GOusage Basic GO Usage (source, pdf)
GOvis Visualizing Data Using GOstats (source, pdf)


R. Gentleman with contributions from S. Falcon

Maintainer: R. Gentleman <rgentlem@fhcrc.org>

Bioconductor/GOstats documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:39 p.m.