This is a demo of how to login and query Gen3 from R.
This is based on:
A very useful facility for formulating GraphQL queries is
If necessary, install the Gen3 library
if (!"Gen3" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
Load the library into the current R session. Also useful for this vignette is the dplyr package.
Authenticate either for access mediated by AnVIL, or for direct access to Gen3.
To use with an AnVIL account, log in to,
select the ‘Profile’ item on the ‘HAMBURGER’ dropdown, and use ‘NHGRI
AnVIL Data Commons Framework Services’ to link AnVIL with your Gen3
account. When on the AnVIL platform, or with the gcloud
binary on your
search path and with AnVIL::gcloud_cmd("auth", "list")
incidating the
correct account for AnVIL access, gain access to Gen3 with no arguments
To obtain credentials for direct access to Gen3, visit, login, and click on the profile icon. There you can create an access credential as a JSON file. Download this file and remember its location. Do not share this file with others. A convenient location to store the credentials file is at this location:
cache <- tools::R_user_dir("Gen3", "cache")
credentials <- file.path(cache, "credentials.json")
Authenticate using these credentials with
If a session has been idle for a while, the authentication credentials may expire, resulting in a message like
> projects()
Error: query failed:
category: Client error
reason: Unauthorized
message: Client error: (401) Unauthorized
Simply renew credentials using the appropriate form of authenticate()
as described above.
Get schema types for Gen3. These contain the root entities for queries.
## { __schema { types { name } } }
## # A tibble: 11 x 1
## type_name
## <chr>
## 1 data_release
## 2 root
## 3 project
## 4 program
## 5 sequencing
## 6 core_metadata_collection
## 7 sample
## 8 subject
## 9 family
## 10 discovery
## 11 viewer
provides a more complete list of schema entities. The
GraphQL query performed by this function is summariized in the comment.
Each schema entry is associated with fields; discover these with, e.g.,
## { __type(name: subject) { fields{ name } } }
## # A tibble: 224 x 3
## type_name field type
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 subject id ID
## 2 subject submitter_id String
## 3 subject type String
## 4 subject project_id String
## 5 subject created_datetime String
## 6 subject updated_datetime String
## 7 subject abnormal_wbc_history String
## 8 subject abused_prescription_pill String
## 9 subject active_encephalitis_at_death String
## 10 subject active_meningitis_at_death String
## # … with 214 more rows
performs a query against the database. The first argument is
the name of the entity to be retrieved; subsequent arguments are the
fields within that entity. The number of records returned is given by
, which has a default value of 10. Use .n = 0
to retrieve all
## { subject(first: 50) { id project_id sex } }
values("subject", "id", "project_id", "sex", .n = 50)
## # A tibble: 50 x 3
## id project_id sex
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 84115750-d24b-4d21-adf3-493e0ed235c9 CF-GTEx Male
## 2 a45430bf-a5db-472e-9064-319e364fc646 CF-GTEx Female
## 3 6ca83bf9-3974-4c60-b043-e686307aad42 CF-GTEx Male
## 4 34a97682-03f0-47a1-a432-638ae71fb5a8 CF-GTEx Male
## 5 741f5454-3c16-48da-8adf-281268432132 CF-GTEx Male
## 6 f4f3bb48-ad05-4d85-8349-7ec112ab7004 CF-GTEx Male
## 7 fd60edda-294c-429b-a1a0-0a8e3d77a420 CF-GTEx Male
## 8 7f169ccb-d30b-4a94-9410-3e4d9a2e196f CF-GTEx Male
## 9 99fde72a-bf88-48ca-ba67-f5c1c989712f CF-GTEx Female
## 10 aedc8073-b97a-4a31-be35-c4a53d40470c CF-GTEx Male
## # … with 40 more rows
Bad queries return informative error messages
values("subjects", "id")
## Error: query failed:
## category: Client error
## reason: Bad Request
## message: Client error: (400) Bad Request
## response:
## Cannot query field "subjects" on type "Root". Did you mean "subject",
## "project" or "_subject_count"?
values("subject", "foo")
## Error: query failed:
## category: Client error
## reason: Bad Request
## message: Client error: (400) Bad Request
## response:
## Cannot query field "foo" on type "subject".
The first query we will do is to find all of the projects that we have
access to. projects()
returns the fields project_id
, id
from all projects we have access to, as well as
(the number of subjects in the project) and
(the number of sequening files in the project). The
latter to column names are mangled to replace the leading ’_’ with ‘.’
to conform to R’s column name conventions..
## { project(first: 0) {
## project_id id study_description
## _subjects_count _sequencings_count
## } }
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## project_id id study_description .subjects_count .sequencings_co…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 CF-GTEx 601f20e7… The aim of the Genoty… 981 46
## 2 open_access… d0a1de4b… The 1000 Genomes Proj… 3202 200
The main entities in Gen3 are subject, sample, and sequencing. Get the fields available in the subject entity like this:
## { __type(name: subject) { fields { name type { name } } } }
fields("subject") # any `name` of schema()
## # A tibble: 224 x 3
## type_name field type
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 subject id ID
## 2 subject submitter_id String
## 3 subject type String
## 4 subject project_id String
## 5 subject created_datetime String
## 6 subject updated_datetime String
## 7 subject abnormal_wbc_history String
## 8 subject abused_prescription_pill String
## 9 subject active_encephalitis_at_death String
## 10 subject active_meningitis_at_death String
## # … with 214 more rows
Similarly, the fields for ‘sample’ and ‘sequencing’ are
## { __type(name: sample) { fields { name type { name } } } }
## # A tibble: 29 x 3
## type_name field type
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 sample id ID
## 2 sample submitter_id String
## 3 sample type String
## 4 sample project_id String
## 5 sample created_datetime String
## 6 sample updated_datetime String
## 7 sample autolysis_score String
## 8 sample bss_collection_site String
## 9 sample current_material_type String
## 10 sample dbgap_sample_id String
## # … with 19 more rows
## { __type(name: sequencing) { fields { name type { name } } } }
## # A tibble: 85 x 3
## type_name field type
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 sequencing id ID
## 2 sequencing submitter_id String
## 3 sequencing type String
## 4 sequencing project_id String
## 5 sequencing created_datetime String
## 6 sequencing updated_datetime String
## 7 sequencing alignment_method String
## 8 sequencing alternative_aligments Int
## 9 sequencing analysis_freeze String
## 10 sequencing analyte_type String
## # … with 75 more rows
Query the value of fields, across all projects, with
## { sample(first: 10) { id rin_number } }
values("sample", "id", "rin_number", .n = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## id rin_number
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 d4c4573a-c629-4860-89c3-d84b8725d5cb 6.3
## 2 726e479e-2d6d-4a7e-bf4a-31455d1b9610 8
## 3 1e027803-691c-43ac-b8fb-5028708cb587 7.5
## 4 c341efb7-94d3-4788-997b-70820aa4cd21 7.6
## 5 6f59a691-4a7f-48e2-94be-9cc71439ee15 5.9
## 6 38a0d44a-6995-4d90-b506-1239aba87596 6.3
## 7 f0e95e6e-be80-4149-b06a-b24a10a00f4f NA
## 8 f752e7ea-e34b-41c0-ab74-2bcba60b1677 NA
## 9 5e73ff7f-d659-440f-b866-c01ece569e41 NA
## 10 d06ede98-60d5-4251-9bc0-147442f0dbf7 NA
## { sequencing(first: 10) { id file_name } }
values("sequencing", "id", "file_name")
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## id file_name
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 af47ce83-2567-448e-9f9e-ee190c8100a1 GTEX-1117F.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 2 8b21c0e6-3a15-4597-b546-3a5d5b6b19ff GTEX-111CU.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 3 b49b408e-7798-4fe1-9060-7329951da2b0 GTEX-111FC.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 4 205e10a7-bb3d-4bd3-88ec-9143a440d3c8 GTEX-1117F-0126.svs
## 5 0cc9dd56-32ca-4c5b-907e-1c7d98b2bc1d GTEX-1117F-0226.svs
## 6 bad026f7-691c-44f6-9054-fa94ee3f3fc1 GTEX-111VG-0626.svs
## 7 2bc0698f-d0fd-4e56-984b-c6e87fd8d3e6 GTEX-15RJE.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 8 6c44e4fd-7d43-43fb-a159-d8731bfd8d89 GTEX-15SB6.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 9 bcaf6b36-0c71-4043-8b66-457d18b01e00 GTEX-15SDE.readcounts.chrX.txt.gz
## 10 955b147d-2a2b-442f-8518-67956d502c5a GTEX-1117F-0326.svs
The Gen3 schema attempts to represent subjects (for example) from all
studies in a single entity, so the value of many fields may be missing
in the GraphQL response, represented as NA
in R).
values("subject", "project_id", "weight", "age_of_onset")
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
## project_id weight age_of_onset
## <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
## 1 CF-GTEx 213 NA
## 2 CF-GTEx 202. NA
## 3 CF-GTEx 174. NA
## 4 CF-GTEx 175 NA
## 5 CF-GTEx 200 NA
## 6 CF-GTEx 166 NA
## 7 CF-GTEx 263 NA
## 8 CF-GTEx 202. NA
## 9 CF-GTEx 146. NA
## 10 CF-GTEx 197. NA
Use GraphQL directly for more complicated queries, e.g., filtering parameters.
The following example queries the subject
field restricted to those
with the “open_access-1000Genomes” project_id
for four values: id
, population
, and submitter_id
. Using first: 0
returns all
query <- '{
project_id: "open_access-1000Genomes"
first: 0
) {
result <- query_graphql(query)
The return value is a list with structure like that of the query. values for each subject have been simiplified to a tibble. The elements of the list are accessible using standard R operations
## # A tibble: 3,202 x 4
## id population sex submitter_id
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 987efda6-b4cf-4148-b2a0-1d64b471d625 STU Female HG03894
## 2 a59edd9e-8d43-4a56-8352-c1e532a6ec1e STU Male HG03896
## 3 28401aec-4c28-4e08-ab12-efe57ed3bc10 STU Female HG03898
## 4 6f36ecee-00fb-411e-98b7-37a168e5165e STU Male HG03899
## 5 fde92d12-c014-4d53-b2c0-77ece237e44b STU Female HG03897
## 6 0465a439-dfca-44ce-95aa-24e9a19c8157 IBS Female HG01679
## 7 86c89cad-3656-4cce-af5f-015db00906d2 GBR Male HG00242
## 8 36881c4a-b563-4de6-aa31-2c326f2c704a GBR Male HG00243
## 9 c4df7392-6499-4bea-92c9-221c58fab73b GBR Male HG00244
## 10 85a7a071-18e7-44b3-941b-9c428c4c5dd9 GBR Female HG00245
## # … with 3,192 more rows
The following query retrieves the id
and tissue_type
of all samples
in GTEx.
query <- '{
project_id: "CF-GTEx"
first: 0
) {
result <- query_graphql(query)
## # A tibble: 48,678 x 2
## id tissue_type
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 d4c4573a-c629-4860-89c3-d84b8725d5cb Adipose Tissue
## 2 726e479e-2d6d-4a7e-bf4a-31455d1b9610 Muscle
## 3 1e027803-691c-43ac-b8fb-5028708cb587 Nerve
## 4 c341efb7-94d3-4788-997b-70820aa4cd21 Blood Vessel
## 5 6f59a691-4a7f-48e2-94be-9cc71439ee15 Brain
## 6 38a0d44a-6995-4d90-b506-1239aba87596 Pituitary
## 7 f0e95e6e-be80-4149-b06a-b24a10a00f4f Blood
## 8 f752e7ea-e34b-41c0-ab74-2bcba60b1677 Blood
## 9 5e73ff7f-d659-440f-b866-c01ece569e41 Blood
## 10 d06ede98-60d5-4251-9bc0-147442f0dbf7 Blood
## # … with 48,668 more rows
The tibble is easily explored using standard tidy paradigms, e.g.,
result$sample %>%
count(tissue_type) %>%
## # A tibble: 31 x 2
## tissue_type n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 <NA> 26228
## 2 Blood 3480
## 3 Brain 3326
## 4 Skin 2011
## 5 Esophagus 1568
## 6 Blood Vessel 1473
## 7 Adipose Tissue 1327
## 8 Heart 1036
## 9 Muscle 1017
## 10 Lung 826
## # … with 21 more rows
Syntax errors return an error from the server
query <- '{ sample { id }'
## Error: query failed:
## category: Client error
## reason: Bad Request
## message: Client error: (400) Bad Request
## response:
## Syntax Error GraphQL request (1:16) Expected Name, found EOF
## 1: { sample { id } ^
## R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] dplyr_1.0.1 Gen3_0.0.9
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] knitr_1.29 magrittr_1.5 tidyselect_1.1.0
## [4] R6_2.4.1 rlang_0.4.7 fansi_0.4.1
## [7] httr_1.4.2 stringr_1.4.0 tools_4.0.2
## [10] xfun_0.16 utf8_1.1.4 cli_2.0.2
## [13] lambda.r_1.2.4 futile.logger_1.4.3 ellipsis_0.3.1
## [16] htmltools_0.5.0 assertthat_0.2.1 yaml_2.2.1
## [19] AnVIL_1.1.14 digest_0.6.25 tibble_3.0.3
## [22] lifecycle_0.2.0 crayon_1.3.4 purrr_0.3.4
## [25] formatR_1.7 vctrs_0.3.2 futile.options_1.0.1
## [28] rapiclient_0.1.3 curl_4.3 glue_1.4.1
## [31] evaluate_0.14 rmarkdown_2.3 stringi_1.4.6
## [34] pillar_1.4.6 compiler_4.0.2 generics_0.0.2
## [37] jsonlite_1.7.0 pkgconfig_2.0.3
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