Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples
Authenticate against using credentials obtained external to R. Authentication persis for the duration of the R session, or until authentication expires using criteria defined on the server.
1 | authenticate(file = NULL)
file |
character(1) or NULL. If character(1), file path to json credentials, as described in the 'details' section. |
To obtain credentials for direct access to Gen3, visit, login, and click on the profile icon. There you can create an access credential as a JSON file. Download this file and remember its location. Do not share this file with others. A convenient location to store the credentials file is at this location:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | cache <- tools::R_user_dir("Gen3", "cache")
credentials <- file.path(cache, "credentials.json")
To use with an AnVIL account, log in to, select the 'Profile' item on the
'HAMBURGER' dropdown, and use 'NHGRI AnVIL Data Commons
Framework Services' to link AnVIL with your Gen3 account. When
on the AnVIL platform, or with the `gcloud` binary on your
search path and with `AnVIL::gcloud_cmd("auth", "list")`
incidating the correct account for AnVIL access, gain access to
Gen3 with no arguments, `authenticate()`.
The bearer token used for authentication, invisibly
1 2 3 4 5 | ## Authenticate first
cache <- tools::R_user_dir("Gen3", "cache")
credentials <- file.path(cache, "credentials.json")
if (file.exists(credentials))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.