rowIQRDiffs: Calculates the interquartile range of the difference between...

rowIQRDiffsR Documentation

Calculates the interquartile range of the difference between each element of a row (column) of a matrix-like object


Calculates the interquartile range of the difference between each element of a row (column) of a matrix-like object.


rowIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ..., useNames = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix_OR_array_OR_table_OR_numeric'
rowIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0, ...,
  useNames = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
rowIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  diff = 1L, trim = 0, ..., useNames = TRUE)

colIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L,
  trim = 0, ..., useNames = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix_OR_array_OR_table_OR_numeric'
colIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, diff = 1L, trim = 0, ...,
  useNames = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
colIQRDiffs(x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
  diff = 1L, trim = 0, ..., useNames = TRUE)



An NxK matrix-like object.

rows, cols

A vector indicating the subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


If TRUE, missing values (NA or NaN) are omitted from the calculations.


An integer specifying the order of difference.


A double in [0,1/2] specifying the fraction of observations to be trimmed from each end of (sorted) x before estimation.


Additional arguments passed to specific methods.


If TRUE (default), names attributes of result are set. Else if FALSE, no naming support is done.


The S4 methods for x of type matrix, array, table, or numeric call matrixStats::rowIQRDiffs / matrixStats::colIQRDiffs.


Returns a numeric vector of length N (K).

See Also

  • matrixStats::rowIQRDiffs() and matrixStats::colIQRDiffs() which are used when the input is a matrix or numeric vector.

  • For the direct interquartile range see also rowIQRs.


mat <- matrix(rnorm(15), nrow = 5, ncol = 3)
mat[2, 1] <- NA
mat[3, 3] <- Inf
mat[4, 1] <- 0



Bioconductor/MatrixGenerics documentation built on May 4, 2024, 2:40 p.m.