arep: Replicate array elements

arepR Documentation

Replicate array elements


arep_times() and arep_each() are multidimensional versions of base::rep( , times=) and base::rep( , each=), respectively.

They're both generic functions with default methods that work on any array-like object that supports [ (single-bracket subsetting).


arep_times(x, times)
arep_each(x, each)



An array-like object, that is, an ordinary array or any object with dimensions.

times, each

An integer vector parallel to dim(x) i.e. with one element per dimension in x.


An array-like object of the same class as x and with dimensions dim(x) * times for arep_times or dim(x) * each for arep_each. The dimnames on x are propagated, if any.

See Also

  • base::rep in the base package.

  • array and matrix objects in base R.


m <- matrix(1:10, nrow=2)
arep_times(m, c(4, 2))
arep_each(m, c(4, 2))

## Note that the output array is 'prod(times)' (or 'prod(each)') times
## bigger than the input array!

Bioconductor/S4Arrays documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 10:13 a.m.