extractManuals: Extract Rd man pages and build pdf reference manuals from...

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extractManualsR Documentation

Extract Rd man pages and build pdf reference manuals from local package repository


This function extracts Rd man pages and builds pdf reference manuals from the man subdirectory of R source packages archives (.tar.gz) found in a local package repository.

All Rd files found in man will be extracted and used during the pdf construction process. Only source package archives will be processed. The constructed pdf files will be extracted under destDir and will be found in PKGNAME/man/*.pdf.

Prior to extraction, all Rd and pdf files in destDir/PKGNAME/man will be removed.


extractManuals(reposRoot, srcContrib, destDir)



character vector giving the path to the root of the local CRAN-style package repository


character vector giving the relative path from the reposRoot to the source packages. In a standard CRAN-style repository, this will be src/contrib.


character vector specifying the directory in which the extracted files will be written. If missing, files will be written to <reposRoot>/manuals.


Patrick Aboyoun

Bioconductor/biocViews documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:49 p.m.