write_VIEWS: Write a VIEWS control file for a CRAN-style package...

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write_VIEWSR Documentation

Write a VIEWS control file for a CRAN-style package repository


This function writes a VIEWS file to the top-level of a CRAN-style package repository. The VIEWS file is in DCF format and describes all packages found in the repository.

The VIEWS file contains the complete DESCRIPTION file for each source package in the repository. In addition, metadata for available binary packages and vignettes is centralized here.


write_VIEWS(reposRootPath, fields = NULL,
          verbose = FALSE, vignette.dir = "vignettes",
          manifestFile = NA, meatPath = NA)



character vector containing the path to the CRAN-style repository root directory.


Any additional fields to include. You shouldn't need this, but if you have added fields to the DESCRIPTION files of the packages in the repository, you may want it.


logical, if TRUE, print progress messages.


character specifying where to look for vignettes.


character(1). File path location to Bioconductor formatted manifest file that lists all current packages. This file will be used in the write_VIEWS function to cross check successfully built packages with all expected packages. Packages that have not built will be given dummy entry for complete listing in bioc_VIEWS. If NA cross check is skipped and packages not built on any system will be missing from biocVIEWS


character(1). File path location to the directory containing cloned repositories of Bioconductor packages. If manifestFile is used for cross checking and the meatPath is provided, entries from the DESCRIPTION file are manually entered into biocVIEWS information. If NA dummy values for minimal fields for landing page generation are included with ERROR. This attempts to fill in as much information as possible for packages that have failed to build.


This function uses a private function from the tools package: tools:::.build_repository_package_db.


Seth Falcon

See Also

write_PACKAGES, extractVignettes, genReposControlFiles, write_REPOSITORY

Bioconductor/biocViews documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:49 p.m.