Man pages for Bioconductor/ppiStats
Protein-Protein Interaction Statistical Package

assessSymmetryA function that calcualtes some directed degree statistics on...
bpMatrixThis function generates the Bait-Prey Matrix for an...
calcInOutDegStatsThis function calculates the various degree statistic for a...
createSummaryTablesA function to create summary statistic tables for directed...
degreeEstimatesEstimate per-node degree in viable bait-prey (VBP) graph...
estErrProbMethodOfMomentsEstimate false positive and false negative error...
estimateCCMErrorRatesEstimate false positive and false negative error...
estimatePPIErrorRatesEstimate false positive and false negative error...
findAdjacentA function that returns the set of prey detected by a bait in...
genBPGraphA function to generate the protein-protein interaction (ppi)...
hgParamsA wrapper function to build a parameter class for the input...
hgTestsA wrapper function to implement the Hypergeometric test,...
idProteinErrorTypeA function to identify those proteins affected by either...
idProteinTypeA function to determine viable baits, viable preys, or...
inOutScatterChartsA function to create scatter plots of the in-degree and...
nullDistDoublyTestedEdgesNull distribution of number of reciprocated, unreciprocated...
separateExptBySizeA function to partition experiments in user defined small,...
twPERMA function to compute a permutation test on a two way table.h
viabilityChartsA function to create summary bar charts for directed graphs
Bioconductor/ppiStats documentation built on Nov. 1, 2021, 1:24 a.m.