Man pages for BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAWorkflowData
Data for TCGA Workflow

cnvMatrixCNV data for 20 TCGA-GBM samples
expA gene expression matrix for 10 GBM and 10 LGG samples...
exp.elmerA gene expression matrix for 10 GBM and 10 LGG samples...
gbm.expA gene expression matrix wih 20 GBM samples
GBMmutGBM GDC maf files for Somatic Mutation Calling Workflow...
gbm.samplesIdentifiers for the 10 GBM samples in the ELMER objects
genesA data frame object with gene information (hg19)
genes_GRA GRanges object with gene information (hg19)
gistic.allbygeneA subset of GBM GISTIC2 results, which is used to identify...
gistic.thresholedbygeneA subset of GBM GISTIC2 results, which is used to identify...
histone.markshistone marks specific for brain tissue from the Roadmap...
lgg.expA gene expression matrix wih 20 LGG samples
LGGmutLGG GDC maf files for Somatic Mutation Calling Workflow...
lgg.samplesIdentifiers for the 10 LGG samples in the ELMER objects
markersMatrixProbes meta file from broadinstitute website for Copy Number...
metA SummarizedExperiment containing TCGA data: DNA methylation...
met.elmerA DNA methylation matrix for 10 GBM and 10 LGG samples...
mutMerged LGG and GBM GDC maf files for Somatic Mutation Calling...
TCGAWorkflowDataData for TCGA Workflow
tmp.biogridBiogrid information
BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAWorkflowData documentation built on June 9, 2019, 2:51 a.m.