
Defines functions rescale_species

Documented in rescale_species

#' Rescale species values for indicator
#' This function takes in a dataframe of multi-species data and rescales them
#' so that the value in the starting year is the same. This function accounts
#' for species that have no data at the beginning of the period or those that
#' have no data at teh end of the period.
#' @param Data A matrix, the first column, named year, gives the year. Subsequent named
#'        columns give the species. Values in the table are the yearly values
#'        to be rescaled.
#' @param index The index value for the first year, defaults to 100.
#' @param max The upper limit allowed for scaled values. Values greater than 
#'        this will be set equal to \code{max}.
#' @param min The upper limit allowed for scaled values. Values greater than 
#'        this will be set equal to \code{min}.
#' @return A matrix. In each row we have the year, the species and the
#'         scaled value. There is also an additional column, 'geomean' giving
#'         the geometric mean for each year.
#' @export

rescale_species <-  function(Data, index = 100, max = 10000,
                             min = 1){
  geomean <- function(x) exp(mean(log(x), na.rm = T))
  if(!inherits(Data, 'matrix')){
    if(inherits(Data, 'data.frame')){
      Data <- data.matrix(Data)
    } else {
      stop('Data must be a matrix')  
  # Get the multipliers neede to achieved the index value
  multipliers <- index / Data[1,2:ncol(Data)] 
  # Apply these multipliers
  indicator_scaled <- t(t(Data[,2:ncol(Data)]) * multipliers)

  # Make values over max == max, and < min == min
  indicator_scaled[indicator_scaled < min & !is.na(indicator_scaled)] <- min
  indicator_scaled[indicator_scaled > max & !is.na(indicator_scaled)] <- max
  # Species with missing values are now in here with all NA rows
  # We want to calculate the geomean from this data first
  geomean_vals <- apply(X = indicator_scaled, MARGIN = 1, FUN = geomean)
  indicator_scaled <- cbind(indicator_scaled, geomean_vals)
  colnames(indicator_scaled)[ncol(indicator_scaled)] <- 'geomean'
  # Now we need to add back in the NA species and scale them all so that
  # their first value is the same as the geomean for that year
  # These have NAs at the beggining
  NAtop <- colnames(Data)[is.na(Data[1,])]

  # These need to be sorted into the order in which they enter the dataset for
  # this method to work (else assigning geomean values goes wrong)
  firstYear <- function(x) min(which(!is.na(x)))
  # re-order if there is more than one
  if(length(NAtop) > 1) NAtop <- names(sort(apply(X = Data[,NAtop], MARGIN = 2, FUN = firstYear)))
  if(length(NAtop) > 0){
    # Deal with ones at the beggining first
    for(i in 1:length(NAtop)){# Create a column of T/F if NA or not
      # Create a temporary dataframe for this species
      temp_col <- data.frame(species = !is.na(Data[,NAtop[i]]), row = 1:nrow(indicator_scaled))
      # index of first good year
      first_year <- min(temp_col$row[temp_col$species])
      # get geomean for this year 
      temp_gm <- indicator_scaled[first_year,'geomean']
      # Calculate multiplier needed
      multi <- temp_gm / Data[first_year, NAtop[i]]
      # Apply this...
      d <- Data[,NAtop[i]]*multi
      # ...make sure non are under 1 or over 10000...
      d[d < min & !is.na(d)] <- min
      d[d > max & !is.na(d)] <- max
      # ...and put it in the table
      indicator_scaled[,NAtop[i]] <- d
      # Recalculate the geomean before the next species
      indicator_scaled[,'geomean'] <- apply(X = indicator_scaled[,!colnames(indicator_scaled) %in% 'geomean'], MARGIN = 1, FUN = geomean)
  # If a species drops out hold at last value
  fillTailNAs <- function(x){
    # Get trues and falses for locations of NAs
    na_true_false <- is.na(x)
    # Get the position of all falses
    na_position <- grep(FALSE, na_true_false)
    # If the max false is hte last year dont do anything...
    if(!max(na_position) == length(x)){
      # else give all the last years the value at the last false
      x[(max(na_position)+1):length(x)] <- x[max(na_position)]

  # apply tail function
  temp_indicator_scaled <- apply(X = indicator_scaled[,-ncol(indicator_scaled)],
                            MARGIN = 2, FUN = fillTailNAs)

  # Recalculate geomean and bind to the species indicies
  indicator_scaled <- cbind(temp_indicator_scaled, apply(X = temp_indicator_scaled, MARGIN = 1, FUN = geomean))
  # Format the columns
  colnames(indicator_scaled)[ncol(indicator_scaled)] <- "indicator"
  indicator_scaled <- cbind(Data[, "year"], indicator_scaled)
  colnames(indicator_scaled)[1] <- "year"
BiologicalRecordsCentre/BRCindicators documentation built on April 22, 2024, 2:32 p.m.