An Introduction to the 'dlmBE' package


To install the development version of the dlmBE package from GitHub, we recommend running the following in R (version 3.0 or higher),

if (!suppressWarnings (library(devtools, logical = TRUE)))
  install.packages ("devtools")
library (devtools)
install_github("Biostatistics4SocialImpact/dlm", dependencies = TRUE)

Package Overview

The goal of this package is to provide researchers with a convenient interface to fit and summarize distributed lag models (DLMs) using the R programming language. DLMs are useful when users want to model an outcome that is related to distance-profiled predictors through some unknown smooth function. A typical goal could then be to learn about the shape of that distance-profiled response function. For example, this type of model might be applied when a researcher wants to learn:

And many more. For the purposes of this walk-through, we will focus on just one type of example from our own past research: health outcomes and subjects' proximity to features of the built environment (Baek, J, et al, 2016, 2017).

We simulate data on a (50 x 50) grid representing an imaginary cityscape. Within our city we simulate a number of built environment features with a mild spatial correlation, and N = 200 subjects with homes distributed uniformly over our plot of land. We have data in the form of (x, y) coordinate pairs for each subject and environmental feature, and descriptive information about the gender and age of each subject.

Built environment

Simulated features of the built environment. Each gray cube represents the location(s) of one or more environment features. Each orange dot represents a participant location.

## (x, y) positions for subjects
> head(subj.xy)
   x  y
1 18 46
2 46 47
3 27 22
4 28 26
5 45 19
6 47 48

## (x, y) positions for BE features
> head(feat.xy)
   x y
1  1 1
2  8 1
3  8 1
4 31 1
5 37 1
6 38 1

> head(data.frame(y, female, age))
         y female age
1 31.95842      1  46
2 24.91282      0  65
3 30.95102      1  55
4 33.12025      0  64
5 32.72775      1  26
6 27.27995      1  30

> table(female)
  0   1
 99 101

> summary(age)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
  18.00   32.00   47.00   46.56   61.00   75.00

We're interested in the case where the features we've built into our cityscape have some average measurable impact on participant outcomes, but this impact changes as a function of distance. Imagine each "feature" is, say, a fast-food restaurant and we want to learn about what kind of effect living near this type of convenience has on subjects' body-mass index (BMI). One analytical approach could be to count how many restaurants are within a given radial distance of each subject's home and include that count in a regression model as a predictor of our outcome (BMI; y).


Same environment as above, but focused on the first participant in our data set and the number of features within some units of her home. Radii shown are 4, 8, 12, and 16 units.

In practice, we probably don't often know the appropriate radius to pick for this type of problem (or if different sub-populations react differently over different radii, etc.) although extant literature or domain-specific knowledge may lead us to a few reasonable guesses. The DLM framework provides an alternative solution to this type of problem when the analyst is comfortable making the extra assumption that the underlying function of distance is continuous, or approximately so. In this example, DLMs free the user from the responsibility of selecting a single radius or distance-threshold. Instead, the analyst can input many radii and rely on the DLM to infer the shape of a continuous function that links them all.

Although there are multiple different options to allow users to estimate arbitrary functions of distance, we focus on the use of splines as a flexible and interpretable semi-parametric method. Our implementation in the dlmBE package relies on the lme4 package to penalize the spline terms using mixed effects modeling and provide numerically stable results, even for large numbers of radii.

Fitting and interpreting DL models

Analysis of this type of data may proceed as follows. We begin by computing, for each participant, the radial distance to each environmental feature. In the count.features() function below, xy should be a 2-element (x, y) vector for a single subject location, feature.xy is a 2-column matrix of feature locations (following the feat.xy variable above), and radii is a vector of desired radii to measure and count features between. We follow our prior work and count the total number of features at each available distance on the (50 x 50) grid. In general, we advocate an analysis strategy of starting simple and gradually allowing for more complexity, so we fit an initial model with only one DL function of distance and number of fast-food locations. A DL term can be included in model formulas with the cr() function which constructs a cubic radial smoothing spline basis for the lag radii. Then we use the dlm() function to fit the model like any other regression in R.

## count.features - a function to count the number of features between radii
## centered on a subject's location, xy. Feature locations should be given
## in matrix form in feature.xy
count.features <- function(xy, feature.xy, radii) {
  .dist <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))  # Euclidean distance
  dxy <- apply(sweep(feature.xy, 2, xy), 1, .dist)
  table(cut(dxy, radii, include.lowest = TRUE))

lag <- 1:50  # each available radius

## count of features for each subject (row) and radius (column)
Conc <- t(apply(subj.xy, 1, count.features,
                feature.xy = feat.xy, radii = c(0, lag)))

## > Conc[1:10, 1:5]
##       [0,1] (1,2] (2,3] (3,4] (4,5]
##  [1,]     0     0     4     4     8
##  [2,]     0     1     3     3    11
##  [3,]     1     0     2     9     7
##  [4,]     1     1     0     1     4
##  [5,]     1     2     9     5    13
##  [6,]     0     1     0     1     5
##  [7,]     0     3     0     2     6
##  [8,]     1     0     0     1     6
##  [9,]     0     1     2     4     9
## [10,]     0     3     3     3     6

## basic model--only DL term
fit0 <- dlm(y ~ cr(lag, Conc))

Standard summary() methods are available for dlMod objects (the output type of the dlm() function), but the printout is designed mostly for easy interpretation of fixed effects covariates.

> summary(fit0)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['dlMod']
Formula: y ~ cr(lag, Conc)

REML criterion at convergence: 936.7

Scaled residuals:
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
-2.85065 -0.68897  0.00298  0.78527  2.26968

Random effects:
 Groups        Name   Variance  Std.Dev.
 cr(lag, Conc) (mean) 1.013e-08 0.0001007
 Residual             5.584e+00 2.3630757
Number of obs: 200, groups:  cr(lag, Conc), 48

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   24.069      6.731   3.576

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
<0 x 0 matrix>

It's more informative, however, to explore model summaries graphically. dlmBE uses the ggplot2 package for its default plotting methods, so we continue in that vein for exploratory and diagnostic data visualization.

## Examine residuals plot
qplot(fitted(fit0), residuals(fit0)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = "gray40")

fit0 diagnostics

Quick residual diagnostics for the model with only one DL function. There appears to be a non-constant variance pattern, and age and gender are clearly correlated with the residuals from this fit. The code above produces the plot on the left.

The residual plots above suggest a few problems with the fit of this simple model. At minimum, it appears we should also be controlling for effects of age and gender in this analysis. In particular, it looks like the relationship between age and BMI may be quadratic (since these data are synthetic, we know this is not actually the correct generating function, but here it provides a reasonable approximation). For exploratory purposes, we'll compare the fits of two additional models: one including gender and a quadratic function of age (we'll create the variable c.age, which is mean-centered), and the other building further to allow the function of distance to be different for men and women in our sample.

## Model including a function of age and gender
fit1 <- dlm(y ~ c.age + I(c.age^2) + female + cr(lag, Conc))

## Model including interaction between DL term and gender
fit2 <- dlm(y ~ c.age + I(c.age^2) + cr(lag, Conc) * female)

Since the models are all nested, we can conveniently compare the fits of each against one another using the anova() function (inherited from lme4; note the automatic conversion to maximum-likelihood).

> anova(fit0, fit1, fit2)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
Data: NULL
fit0: y ~ cr(lag, Conc)
fit1: y ~ c.age + I(c.age^2) + female + cr(lag, Conc)
fit2: y ~ c.age + I(c.age^2) + cr(lag, Conc) * female
     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance   Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
fit0  5 923.08 939.57 -456.54   913.08
fit1  8 678.46 704.85 -331.23   662.46 250.613      3  < 2.2e-16 ***
fit2 11 618.79 655.07 -298.39   596.79  65.675      3  3.597e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The fairly dramatic jumps in the likelihood statistics indicate substantial improvements in the fit of each model, moving from fit0fit1fit2. We also compared fit0 \& fit1 with a model that included a cr(lag, Conc) * c.age term (instead of cr(lag, Conc) * female; not shown), and found that this did not significantly improve the likelihood over fit1. In addition, residual diagnostics (also not shown) do not indicate any major problems with fit2, building further confidence in this model. Given these results, we proceed to draw inference from fit2 (which at this point is very close to the data generating model).

> summary(fit2)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['dlMod']
Formula: y ~ c.age + I(c.age^2) + cr(lag, Conc) * female

REML criterion at convergence: 643.5

Scaled residuals:
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-2.7007 -0.6195  0.0142  0.5842  2.6054

Random effects:
 Groups               Name   Variance  Std.Dev.
 cr(lag, Conc)        (mean) 3.590e-08 0.0001895
 cr(lag, Conc):female (mean) 2.739e-07 0.0005234
 Residual                    9.034e-01 0.9504623
Number of obs: 200, groups:  cr(lag, Conc), 48; cr(lag, Conc):female, 48

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 25.3594917  4.1286840   6.142
c.age        0.0402336  0.0043124   9.330
I(c.age^2)  -0.0027182  0.0002922  -9.302
female      -0.9406013  5.6451103  -0.167

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
           (Intr) c.age  I(.^2)
c.age       0.051
I(c.age^2) -0.099  0.043
female     -0.727 -0.024  0.066

This model suggests that, on average, women have slightly lower BMI than men in this sample, and that they respond differently to proximity to fast-food restaurants. There also appears to be a strong effect of BMI increasing with age that tapers off for older age groups.

Not losing sight of our primary goal, before we finish with this example, let's summarize the fitted DL functions and check how they stack up against the true ones (there were in fact different response functions for men and women in this simulation). dlmBE provides a few convenient utilities to extract and visualize estimated DL coefficients in a fitted model. For visualization, the basic syntax is simply plot(fit2), but the call below enriches the plot with the addition of the true DL functions in purple (note the use of a "term" factor in the data for these functions to get them to render properly on the plot facets).

plot(fit2, geom = "line") +
  geom_step(aes(x, y),
    data = data.frame(x = lag, y = c(theta1, theta2 - theta1),
      term = rep(names(fit2@index), each = length(lag))),
    color = "darkorchid")

fit2 DL functions

Estimated distributed lag functions for the model fit2. Given the model specification, the plot on the left shows the response in expected BMI at each radial distance for men, and the plot on the right shows the effect for women minus the effect for men (since the terms are additive). Although the true DL functions are discontinuous step functions in this example, the smoothing splines do a reasonable job of recovering approximately correct shapes.

The model estimates mild effects of dwelling proximity to fast-food on BMI; based on 95% confidence intervals (the default), these effects may go to zero after about 20 distance units in men, and maybe 5-10 distance units in women. The exact points where the confidence intervals are about to cross the zero line can be extracted with the changePoint() utility. Finally, we also show how to compute confidence intervals using the familiar confint(), and extract DL term-specific parameters using combinations of the lagIndex(), vcoef(), and Sigma() methods.

> changePoint(fit2)
$`cr(lag, Conc)`
cr(lag, Conc)22

$`cr(lag, Conc):female`
 cr(lag, Conc):female4 cr(lag, Conc):female19
                     4                     19

> confint(fit2)
                                coef          2.5%         97.5%
(Intercept)             2.535949e+01  17.267419810  3.345156e+01
c.age                   4.023355e-02   0.031781470  4.868563e-02
I(c.age^2)             -2.718213e-03  -0.003290942 -2.145484e-03
cr(lag, Conc)1          2.534196e-02   0.001469709  4.921420e-02
cr(lag, Conc)2          2.556467e-02   0.003988527  4.714081e-02
female                 -9.406013e-01 -12.004814066  1.012361e+01
cr(lag, Conc)1:female   6.147205e-02   0.021652154  1.012920e-01
cr(lag, Conc)2:female   5.155791e-02   0.017206960  8.590887e-02
cr(lag, Conc)3          2.578794e-02   0.006160107  4.541578e-02
cr(lag, Conc)4          2.602213e-02   0.007979825  4.406444e-02

> lg.ind <- lagIndex(fit2)  # integer index list for DL coefs
> vcoef(fit2)[lg.ind[[1]]]  # term 1 lag coefs
 cr(lag, Conc)1  cr(lag, Conc)2  cr(lag, Conc)3  cr(lag, Conc)4  cr(lag, Conc)5
   2.534196e-02    2.556467e-02    2.578794e-02    2.602213e-02    2.627490e-02

> sqrt(diag(Sigma(fit2)[lg.ind[[1]], lg.ind[[1]]])) # SE's of term1 DL coefs
 [1] 0.012179942 0.011008437 0.010014386 0.009205428 0.008578863


Baek J, Sanchez BN, Berrocal VJ, & Sanchez-Vaznaugh EV (2016) Epidemiology 27(1):116-24. (PubMed)

Baek J, Hirsch JA, Moore K, Tabb LP, et al. (2017) Epidemiology 28(3):403-11. (PubMed)

Biostatistics4SocialImpact/dlm documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:47 p.m.