basis: Basis vectors

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Decomposition References See Also

View source: R/bases.R


Constructs a set of basis vectors C_0 and K_1 used to constrain distributed lag coefficients, β, using splines. The basis vectors depend on the radii that define ring-shaped areas around participant locations. Typical usage relies on calling basis application functions, like cr (e.g. in dlm model formulas); users should not often have to interact with basis directly.


basis(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, .fun = NULL, ...)



radii that define ring-shaped areas around participant locations


if TRUE (the default), x will be mean centered prior to computing the basis. Otherwise, if given a numeric value, x will be centered at center


if TRUE (default = FALSE), parameter x will be scaled by sd(x). Otherwise, if given a numeric value, x will be scaled by scale


a function to define the type of basis. The default is to compute a cubic radial basis based on pairwise cubed absolute differences among the radii. See Details


other parameters passed to .fun


Alternative distance functions, .fun, may be specified, and error checking on the user's choice of .fun is deliberately missing. Proper candidates for .fun should return an (L \times L) matrix, where L is the same as length(x); elements of this matrix are typically non-negative.

In addition, new distance function definitions should follow the idiom:

function(x, y, ...)

if (missing(y)) y <- x


The default value of .fun computes cubic radial distance, which amounts to abs(outer(x, y, "-"))^3; the computed vectors are then transformed following Rupert, Wand, and Carroll (2003), such that the spline can be fitted (and penalized) as a mixed-model.


An object of class LagBasis


Once a basis function (δ()) and radii (r) are chosen, define the matrix, C_1[i, j] = δ(r_i, r_j), and let,

C_0 = [1, r]

C_1 = Q * R

M_1 = Q[-(1:2)]

K_1 = C_1 * M_1 * (M_1' * C_1 * M_1)^-0.5

where A[-j] denotes a matrix A with column(s) j removed. Then the (scaled) distributed lag effects are β = C_0 * α + K_1 * b, where b_l ~ N(0, σ^2_b), for l = 1, ..., L - 2.


Rupert D, Wand MP, & Carroll RJ (2003) Semiparametric Regression. New York: Cambridge University Press.

See Also

cr, dlm

Biostatistics4SocialImpact/dlm documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:47 p.m.