nc_permissions: Download list of accessible collections

View source: R/download.R

nc_permissionsR Documentation

Download list of accessible collections


Returns a list of collections accessible by 'username'.


nc_permissions(username = NULL, timeout = 60)



Character vector. Username for If provided, the user will be prompted for a password. If left NULL, only public collections will be returned.


Numeric. Number of seconds before connecting to the server times out.

NatureCounts account

All public data is available with a username/password (sign up for a free NatureCounts account). However, to access private/semi-public projects/collections you must request access. See the Access and request_ids section for more information.

Access and request_ids

Access to a data collection is either available as "full" or "by request". Use nc_count(username = "USER", show = "all"), to see the accessibility of collections.

"Full" access means that data can be immediately requested directly through the naturecounts R package. "By request" means that a request must be submitted online and approved before the data can be downloaded through naturecounts.

This means that there are two types of data requests: ones made through this naturecounts R package (API requests) and those made through the online Web Request Form (Web requests). Every request (from either method) generates a request_id which identifies the filter set and collections requested. Details of all of requests can be reviewed with the nc_requests() function.

To download data with "full" access, users can either specify filters, or if they are repeating a download, can use the request_id from nc_requests().

Otherwise, if the user doesn't have "full" access, they must supply an approved request_id to the nc_data_dl() function (e.g., nc_data_dl(request_id = 152000, username = "USER")). Use nc_requests() to see request_ids, filters, and approval status.

Requests for "full" access to additional collections can be made online through the Web Request Form by checking the "Full access?" box in Step 2 of the form.


nc_permissions(username = "sample")

BirdStudiesCanada/naturecounts documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 6:14 a.m.