nc_requests: Check on status of data requests

View source: R/requests.R

nc_requestsR Documentation

Check on status of data requests


List pending or completed data requests for a given user.


nc_requests(request_id = NULL, type = "web", username)



Numeric. Specific request id to check or download.


Character One of "web", "api", or "all" specifying which types of request to return (defaults to "web").


Character vector. Username for If provided, the user will be prompted for a password. If left NULL, only public collections will be returned.


data frame

Access and request_ids

Access to a data collection is either available as "full" or "by request". Use nc_count(username = "USER", show = "all"), to see the accessibility of collections.

"Full" access means that data can be immediately requested directly through the naturecounts R package. "By request" means that a request must be submitted online and approved before the data can be downloaded through naturecounts.

This means that there are two types of data requests: ones made through this naturecounts R package (API requests) and those made through the online Web Request Form (Web requests). Every request (from either method) generates a request_id which identifies the filter set and collections requested. Details of all of requests can be reviewed with the nc_requests() function.

To download data with "full" access, users can either specify filters, or if they are repeating a download, can use the request_id from nc_requests().

Otherwise, if the user doesn't have "full" access, they must supply an approved request_id to the nc_data_dl() function (e.g., nc_data_dl(request_id = 152000, username = "USER")). Use nc_requests() to see request_ids, filters, and approval status.

Requests for "full" access to additional collections can be made online through the Web Request Form by checking the "Full access?" box in Step 2 of the form.


nc_requests(username = "sample")
nc_requests(request_id = 152446, username = "sample")

BirdStudiesCanada/naturecounts documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 6:14 a.m.