
# args ------------------
#' Common arguments for `nc_data_dl` and `nc_count`
#' @param collections Character vector. The collection codes from which to
#'   download data. NULL (default) downloads data from all available collections
#' @param project_ids Character/Numeric vector. The `project id`s from which to
#'   download data. First the collections associated with a `project_id` are
#'   determined, and then data is downloaded for each collection. If both
#'   `collections` and `project_ids` are supplied, they are combined.
#' @param species Numeric vector. Numeric species ids (see details)
#' @param years Numeric vector. The start/end years of data to download. Can use
#'   NA for either start or end, or a single value to return data from a single
#'   year.
#' @param doy Character/Numeric vector. The start/end day-of-year to download
#'   (1-366 or dates that can be converted to day of year). Can use NA for
#'   either start or end
#' @param region List. Named list with *one* of the following options:
#'   `country`, `statprov`, `subnational2`, `iba`, `bcr`, `utm_squares`, `bbox`.
#'   See details
#' @param site_type Character vector. The type of site to return (e.g., `IBA`).
#' @param username Character vector. Username for <http://naturecounts.ca>. If
#'   provided, the user will be prompted for a password. If left NULL, only
#'   public collections will be returned.
#' @param info Character vector. Short description of reason for the download.
#'   E.g., "COSEWIC report", "Impact Assessment Study", "School project", etc.
#'   This kind of information helps NatureCounts.ca justify the utility of the
#'   database. Required unless resuming/re-downloaded with a `request_id`.
#' @param request_id Numeric. Specific request id to check or download.
#' @param timeout Numeric. Number of seconds before connecting to the server
#'   times out.
#' @param verbose Logical. Show messages?
#' @section NatureCounts account:
#'   All public data is available with a username/password
#'   ([sign up](https://www.naturecounts.ca/nc/default/register.jsp)
#'   for a free NatureCounts account). However, to access private/semi-public
#'   projects/collections you must request access. See the Access and
#'   `request_id`s section for more information.
#' @section Species ids (`species`):
#'   Numeric species id codes can determined from the functions
#'   [search_species()] or [search_species_code()]. See also the article on
#'   [species codes](https://birdscanada.github.io/naturecounts/articles/species-codes.html)
#'   for more information.
#' @section Day of Year (`doy`):
#'   The format for day of year (`doy`) is fairly flexible and can be a whole
#'   number between 1 and 366 or anything recognized by
#'   \code{\link[lubridate]{lubridate-package}}'s \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd}()}
#'   function. However, it must have the order of year, month, day. Note that
#'   year is ignored when converting to day of year, except that it will result
#'   in a 1 day offset for leap years.
#' @section Regions (`region`):
#'   Regions are defined by codes reflecting the country, state/province,
#'   subnational (level 2), Important Bird Areas (IBA), and Bird Conservation
#'   Regions (BCR) (see [search_region()] for codes). They can also be defined
#'   by providing specific UTM squares to download or a bounding box area which
#'   specifies the min/max longitude and min/max latitude (`bbox`). See the
#'   article on [regional filters](http://birdscanada.github.io/naturecounts/articles/region-codes.html)
#'   for more information.
#' @section Data Fields/Columns (`fields_set` and `fields`):
#'   By default data is downloaded with the `minimum` set of fields/columns.
#'   However, for more advanced applications, users may wish to specify which
#'   fields/columns to return. The Bird Monitoring Data Exchange (BMDE) schema
#'   keeps track of variables used to augment observation data. There are
#'   different versions reflecting different collections of variables which can
#'   be specified for download in one of four ways:
#'   1. `fields_set` can be a specific shorthand reflecting a BMDE version:
#'   `core`, `extended` or `minimum` (default). See [meta_bmde_versions()] to see
#'   which BMDE version the shorthand refers to.
#'   2. `fields_set` can be `default` which uses the default BMDE version for a
#'   particular collection (note that if you download more than one collection,
#'   the field sets will expand to cover all fields/columns in the combined
#'   collections)
#'   3. `fields_set` can be the exact BMDE version. See [meta_bmde_versions()]
#'   for options.
#'   4. `fields_set` can be `custom` and the `fields` argument can be a
#'   character vector specifying the exact fields/columns to return. See
#'   [meta_bmde_fields()]) for potential `fields` values.
#'   Note that in all cases there are a set of fields/columns that are *always*
#'   returned, no matter what `fields_set` is used.
#' @section Access and `request_id`s:
#' Access to a data collection is either available as "full" or "by request".
#' Use `nc_count(username = "USER", show = "all")`, to see the accessibility of
#' collections.
#' "Full" access means that data can be immediately requested directly through
#' the `naturecounts` R package. "By request" means that a request must be
#' [submitted
#' online](https://naturecounts.ca/nc/default/searchquery.jsp) and
#' approved before the data can be downloaded through `naturecounts`.
#' This means that there are two types of data requests: ones made through this
#' `naturecounts` R package (API requests) and those made through the online
#' [Web Request
#' Form](https://naturecounts.ca/nc/default/searchquery.jsp) (Web
#' requests). Every request (from either method) generates a `request_id` which
#' identifies the filter set and collections requested. Details of all of
#' requests can be reviewed with the [nc_requests()] function.
#' To download data with "full" access, users can either specify filters, or if
#' they are repeating a download, can use the `request_id` from [nc_requests()].
#' Otherwise, if the user doesn't have "full" access, they must supply an
#' approved `request_id` to the [nc_data_dl()] function (e.g.,
#' `nc_data_dl(request_id = 152000, username = "USER")`). Use [nc_requests()] to
#' see `request_id`s, filters, and approval status.
#' Requests for "full" access to additional collections can be made online
#' through the [Web Request
#' Form](https://naturecounts.ca/nc/default/searchquery.jsp) by
#' checking the "Full access?" box in Step 2 of the form.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name args
BirdStudiesCanada/rNatureCounts documentation built on July 3, 2023, 2:06 a.m.