v_match_rasters: Matching the reference coordinate system, extension,...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)

View source: R/v_match_rasters.R


Raster files from different sources may have different reference coordinate systems, extensions, resolutions, and valid cells. However, species distribution models require all rasters to have the same features, and this function facilitates the tedious task of processing raster layers so they can be used in species distribution modelling exercises.


 raster.template = NULL,
 raster.template.crs = "+init=epsg:4326",
 default.crs = "+init=epsg:4326",
 n.cores = NULL



Complete path to a raster file or raster object in the R environment to be used as a template. All rasters in input.folder will be adjusted to the coordinate reference system, exent, and resolution of this raster layer.


Character string in proj4string format defining a coordinate reference system of raster.template. Only required when the raster format of the template does not contain this information (as it happens with .asc files). The default crs is "+init=epsg:4326", valid latitude-longitude data according the global datum WGS84.


Character string, path (without final slash) to the folder containing the raster files to be matched, or folder containing subfolders, each one containing raster files representing data from different times.


Character string, path (without final slash) of the folder where the matched rasters will be written. Defaults to "/matched_rasters" in the working directory if nothing else is provided


Default coordinate system for those files in input.folder that don't have one. The default value is "+init=epsg:4326", as in raster.template.crs. Use this argument with care!


Integer, number of cores to be used during the matching operations. If the target rasters are very large, and the RAM memory available is low, n.cores should be low as well.


This function requires a raster.template, which is a raster file stored in the hard disk or a raster object in the R environment having the desired properties.

If the template file does not contain information about the coordinate reference system (.asc files don't), the user must define the argument raster.template.crs, which takes a character string following the proj4string. The easiest way to do this is by using the EPSG code of the given coordinate reference system. For example, for for latitude-longitude data based on the datum WGS84, the usual proj4string format would be "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs". The EPSG alternative is "+init=epsg:4326", way shorter and easier to remember. Note that this argument is not required if the file format of raster.template already contains information about the coordinate reference system. This is the case with geotif files (.tif extension) and many others.

The input.folder argument is either:

When the data is separated in subfolders representing different times, the mask (spatial distribution of no-data values) for each subfolder is computed separately. This allows different times to have different masks. This is especially useful when different times may have very different masks, as it is the case between the present time and the Last Glacial Maximum.

This function relies on the following functions of the raster package:


The function writes the matched rasters to output.folder in R format, with the extensions .grd and .gri. These rasters can be imported directly with raster::raster() and outside of R with Quantum GIS.

The function also returns an object of the class "environmental.data" with a slot named "meta" containing a data frame with information (metadata) that helps to trace the transformations applied to each raster file. This output can be used down the line by v_import_rasters to import the matched rasters into the R session. The object has two variants:


Blas Benito <blasbenito@gmail.com>. The functions raster, crs, projectRaster, resample, crop, mask, and trim are authored by Robert J. Hijmans.

BlasBenito/sdmflow documentation built on April 10, 2020, 2:31 a.m.