Stock-class: Class "Stock"

Stock-classR Documentation

Class 'Stock'


An operating model component that specifies the parameters of the population dynamics model



An identifying name for the Stock object. Single value. Character string.


Common name of the species. Character string.


Scientific name of the species. Genus and species name. Character string.


The maximum age of individuals that is simulated. There are maxage+1 (recruitment to age-0) age classes in the storage matrices. maxage is the 'plus group' where all age-classes > maxage are grouped, unless option switched off with OM@cpars$plusgroup=0. Single value. Positive integer.


Initial number of unfished recruits to age-0. This number is used to scale the size of the population to match catch or data, but does not affect any of the population dynamics unless the OM has been conditioned with data. As a result, for a data-limited fishery any number can be used for R0. In data-rich stocks R0 may be estimated as part of a stock assessment, but for data limited stocks users can choose either an arbitrary number (say, 1000) or choose a number that produces simulated catches in recent historical years that are similar to real world catch data. Single value. Positive real number.


The instantaneous rate of natural mortality. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


Inter-annual variation in M expressed as a coefficient of variation of a log-normal distribution. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. If this parameter is positive, yearly M is drawn from a log-normal distribution with a mean specified by log(M) drawn for that simulation and a standard deviation in log space specified by the value of Msd drawn for that simulation. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers


Steepness of the stock recruit relationship. Steepness governs the proportion of unfished recruits produced when the stock is at 20% of the unfished population size. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. This value is the same in all years of a given simulation. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Values from 1/5 to 1.


Type of stock-recruit relationship. Use 1 to select a Beverton Holt relationship, 2 to select a Ricker relationship. Single value. Integer


Recruitment process error, which is defined as the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations in log space. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


Autocorrelation in the recruitment deviations in log space. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided, and used to add lag-1 auto-correlation to the log recruitment deviations. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


The von Bertalanffy growth parameter Linf, which specifies the average maximum size that would reached by adult fish if they lived indefinitely. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. This value is the same in all years unless Linfsd is a positive number. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


Inter-annual variation in Linf. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. If this parameter has a positive value, yearly Linf is drawn from a log-normal distribution with a mean specified by the value of Linf drawn for that simulation and a standard deviation (in log space) specified by the value of Linfsd drawn for that simulation. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


The von Bertalanffy growth parameter k, which specifies the average rate of growth. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. This value is the same in all years unless Ksd is a positive number. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


Inter-annual variation in K. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. If this parameter has a positive value, yearly K is drawn from a log-normal distribution with a mean specified by the value of K drawn for that simulation and a standard deviation (in log space) specified by the value of Ksd drawn for that simulation. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


The von Bertalanffy growth parameter t0, which specifies the theoretical age at a size 0. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-positive real numbers.


The coefficient of variation (defined as the standard deviation divided by mean) of the length-at-age. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided to specify the distribution of observed length-at-age, and the CV of this distribution is constant for all age classes (i.e, standard deviation increases proportionally with the mean). Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


Length at 50% maturity. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. The L50 and L50_95 parameters are converted to ages using the growth parameters provided and used to construct a logistic curve to determine the proportion of the population that is mature in each age class. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


Difference in lengths between 50% and 95% maturity. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. The value drawn is then added to the length at 50% maturity to determine the length at 95% maturity. This parameterization is used instead of specifying the size at 95 percent maturity to avoid situations where the value drawn for the size at 95% maturity is smaller than that at 50% maturity. The L50 and L50_95 parameters are converted to ages using the growth parameters provided and used to construct a logistic curve to determine the proportion of the population that is mature in each age class. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


Estimated current level of stock depletion, which is defined as the current spawning stock biomass divided by the unfished spawning stock biomass. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. This parameter is used during model initialization to select a series of yearly historical recruitment values and fishing mortality rates that, based on the information provided, could have resulted in the specified depletion level in the simulated last historical year. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers (typically < 1)


The alpha parameter in allometric length-weight relationship. Single value. Weight parameters are used to determine catch-at-age and population-at-age from the number of individuals in each age class and the length of each individual, which is drawn from a normal distribution determined by the Linf, K, t0, and LenCV parameters. As a result, they function as a way to scale between numbers at age and biomass, and are not stochastic parameters. Single value. Positive real number.


The beta parameter in allometric length-weight relationship. Single value. Weight parameters are used to determine catch-at-age and population-at-age from the number of individuals in each age class and the length of each individual, which is drawn from a normal distribution determine by the Linf, K, t0, and LenCV parameters. As a result, they function as a way to scale between numbers at age and biomass, and are not stochastic parameters. Single value. Positive real number.


The size of area 1 relative to area 2. The fraction of the unfished biomass in area 1. Please specify numbers between 0 and 1. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. For example, if Size_area_1 is 0.2, then 20% of the total area is allocated to area 1. Fishing can occur in both areas, or can be turned off in one area to simulate the effects of a no take marine reserve. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


The fraction of the unfished biomass in area 1. Please specify numbers between 0 and 1. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. For example, if Frac_area_1 is 0.5, then 50% of the unfished biomass is allocated to area 1, regardless of the size of area 1 (i.e, size and fraction in each area determine the density of fish, which may impact fishing spatial targeting). In each time step recruits are allocated to each area based on the proportion specified in Frac_area_1. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive real numbers.


The probability of individuals in area 1 remaining in area 1 over the course of one year. Please specify numbers between 0 and 1. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. For example, in an area with a Prob_staying value of 0.95 each fish has a 95% probability of staying in that area in each time step, and a 5% probability of moving to the other area. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Positive fraction.


The instantaneous discard mortality rate the stock experiences when fished using the gear type specified in the corresponding fleet object and discarded. For each simulation a single value is drawn from a uniform distribution specified by the upper and lower bounds provided. Uniform distribution lower and upper bounds. Non-negative real numbers.


A reference to a website or article from which parameters were taken to define the stock object. Single value. Character string.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new('Stock')


T. Carruthers and A. Hordyk



Blue-Matter/MSEtool documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 5:01 p.m.