Thresh_tab: Current default thresholds for DFO satisficing

View source: R/DFO.R

Thresh_tabR Documentation

Current default thresholds for DFO satisficing


Crit_S is the probability of being in the critical zone in the first 10 projected years Caut_S is the probability of being in the cautious zone in the first 10 projected years Health_S is the probability of being in the healthy zone in the first 10 projected years OvFish_S is the probability of overfishing in the first 10 projected years Yield_S is the mean yield relative to FMSY management over the first 10 projected years Crit is the probability of being in the critical zone in the last 10 projected years Caut is the probability of being in the cautious zone in the last 10 projected years Health is the probability of being in the healthy zone in the last 10 projected years OvFish is the probability of overfishing in the last 10 projected years Yield is the mean yield relative to FMSY management over the last 10 projected years AAVY is the average annual variability in yield over the whole projection phrased as a CV percentage Reb is the probability the stock has rebuilt to over BMSY in 2 mean generation times





A DFO performance table made by DFO_tab()


T. Carruthers

Blue-Matter/MSEtool documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 5:01 p.m.