multiMSE: Run a multi-fleet multi-stock Management Strategy Evaluation

View source: R/multiMSE.R

SimulateMOMR Documentation

Run a multi-fleet multi-stock Management Strategy Evaluation


Functions for running a multi-stock and/or multi-fleet Management Strategy Evaluation (closed-loop simulation) for a specified operating model


SimulateMOM(MOM = MSEtool::Albacore_TwoFleet, parallel = TRUE, silent = FALSE)

  multiHist = NULL,
  MPs = NA,
  parallel = FALSE,
  silent = FALSE,
  checkMPs = FALSE,
  dropHist = FALSE,
  extended = FALSE

  MOM = MSEtool::Albacore_TwoFleet,
  MPs = list(list(c("AvC", "DCAC"), c("FMSYref", "curE"))),
  Hist = FALSE,
  silent = FALSE,
  parallel = TRUE,
  checkMPs = FALSE,
  dropHist = TRUE,
  extended = FALSE



A multi-fleet multi-stock operating model (class MOM)


Logical or a named list. Should MPs be run using parallel processing? See Details for more information.


Should messages be printed out to the console?


An Historical Simulation object (class multiHist)


A matrix of methods (nstock x nfleet) (character string) of class MP


Logical. Check if the specified MPs exist and can be run on SimulatedData?


Logical. Drop the (very large) multiHist object from the returned MMSE object? The multiHist object can be (re-)created using SimulateMOM or kept in MMSE@multiHist if dropHist=FALSE


Logical. Return extended projection results? if TRUE, MMSE@Misc$extended is a named list with extended data: FM for overall F across fleets ⁠[nsim, nstock, n_age, nMP, proyears, nareas]⁠. Misc slot in MMSE@PPD will also contain StockPars, FleetPars, and ReferencePoints


Should model stop after historical simulations? Returns a list containing all historical data


Running MPs in parallel

For most MPs, running in parallel can actually lead to an increase in computation time, due to the overhead in sending the information over to the cores. Consequently, by default the MPs will not be run in parallel if parallel=TRUE (although other internal code will be run in parallel mode).

To run MPs in parallel, specify a named list with the name of the MP(s) assigned as TRUE. For example,⁠parallel=list(AvC=TRUE⁠) will run the AvC MP in parallel mode.


Functions return objects of class MMSE and multiHist #'

  • SimulateMOM - An object of class multiHist

  • ProjectMOM - An object of class MMSE

  • multiMSE - An object of class MMSE


  • SimulateMOM(): Simulate historical dynamics for multi-OM

  • ProjectMOM(): Run Forward Projections for a MOM object

  • multiMSE(): Run a multi-stock, multi-fleet MSE


T. Carruthers and A. Hordyk

Blue-Matter/MSEtool documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 5:01 p.m.