setup: Setup parallel processing

View source: R/Misc_Exported.R

setupR Documentation

Setup parallel processing


Sets up parallel processing using the snowfall package


setup(cpus = NULL, logical = FALSE, ...)



the number of CPUs to use for parallel processing. If left empty all physical cores will be used, unless logical=TRUE, in which case both physical and logical (virtual) cores will be used.


Use the logical cores as well? Using the virtual cores may not lead to any significant decrease in run time. You can test the optimal number of cores using optCPU()


other arguments passed to 'snowfall::sfInit'


## Not run: 
setup() # set-up the physical processors
setup(6) # set-up 6 processors
setup(logical=TRUE) # set-up physical and logical cores

## End(Not run)

Blue-Matter/MSEtool documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 5:01 p.m.