# Currently not compatible with CRAN because dependencies from non-CRAN stockassessment package
# Undefined global functions or variables: caytable faytable nscodData ntable

# #' Takes a fitted SAM model and samples historical population and fishing dynamics from the MLE fit and variance-covariance matrix. 
# #'
# #'
# #' @description Takes a fitted SAM model and samples historical population and fishing dynamics from the MLE fit and variance-covariance matrix. 
# #' Maturity-at-age-year, Mortality-at-age-year and weight-at-age-year are identical among simulations and are a direct copy of the matrices in the WHAM fitting object. 
# #' @param fit an object of class 'sam' created by sam.fit
# #' @param nsim Positive integer. The number of simulations. 
# #' @param proyears Positive integer. The number of projection years for MSE.
# #' @param interval Positive integer. The interval at which management procedures will update the management advice in \link[MSEtool]{runMSE}, e.g., 1 = annual updates.
# #' @param Name Character string. The name of the operating model.
# #' @param WLa positive real number or array `[sim, ages, year]`. The default weight-length parameter a (W=aL^b)
# #' @param WLb positive real number or array `[sim, ages, year]`. The default weight-length parameter b (W=aL^b)
# #' @param h positive real number, the steepness of the stock-recruitment relationship
# #' @param Obs The observation model (class Obs). This function only updates the catch and index observation error.
# #' @param Imp The implementation model (class Imp). This function does not update implementation parameters.
# #' @param nyr_par_mu Positive integer. The number of recent years that natural mortality, age vulnerability, weight, length and maturity parameters are averaged over for defining future projection conditions.
# #' @param LowerTri Integer. The number of recent years for which model estimates of recruitment are ignored (not reliably estimated by the assessment)
# #' @param plusgroup Logical. Does the assessment assume that the oldest age class is a plusgroup?
# #' @param altinit Integer. Various assumptions for how to set up the initial numbers. 0: standard, 1: no plus group, 2: temporary fix for MSEtool plus group initialization
# #' @param fixq1 Logical. Should q be fixed (ie assume the F-at-age array faa is accurate?
# #' @param report Logical, if TRUE, a diagnostic will be reported showing the matching of the OM reconstructed numbers at age vs the assessment.
# #' @param stoch Logical, should stochasticity in historical stock and fleet dynamics be simulated?
# #' @param silent Whether to silence messages to the console.
# #' @param ... Additional arguments
# #' @details Use a seed for the random number generator to sample future recruitment.
# #' @return An object of class \linkS4class{OM}.
# #' @author T. Carruthers
# #' @export
# #' @seealso \link{Assess2OM}
# SAM2OM<-function(fit, nsim=32, proyears=30, interval=1, Name = "SAM Model", WLa=1, WLb=3, h = 0.8, 
#                   Obs = MSEtool::Imprecise_Unbiased, Imp=MSEtool::Perfect_Imp,
#                   nyr_par_mu = 3, LowerTri=2, plusgroup=T, altinit=0, 
#                   fixq1 = T, report = FALSE, stoch = FALSE, silent = FALSE, ...){
#   # nsim=3; proyears=30; interval=2; Name = "A SAM model"; WLa=1; WLb=3; h=0.8; WAAind = 1;  Obs = MSEtool::Imprecise_Unbiased; Imp=MSEtool::Perfect_Imp; nyr_par_mu = 3; LowerTri=2; recind=1; plusgroup=T; altinit=0; fixq1 = T; report = TRUE; stoch = FALSE; silent = FALSE
#   if(!requireNamespace("TMB", quietly = TRUE) || !requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly = TRUE)) {
#     stop("Install the TMB and mvtnorm packages to use SAM2OM")
#   }
#   if(!requireNamespace("stockassessment", quietly = TRUE)) {
#     stop("Install the `stockassessment` package to use SAM2OM. \n`pak::pkg_install('fishfollower/SAM/stockassessment')`")
#   }
#   vanilla_SAM = is.null(fit$input) # is this SAM or some earlier version / modified version (e.g. Chub Mackerel)
#   if(vanilla_SAM){
#     dims = dim(faytable(fit))
#     ny = dims[1]
#     na = dims[2]
#     yrs = row.names(faytable(fit))
#     CurrentYr = max(as.numeric(yrs))
#     waa = array(rep(t(fit$data$stockMeanWeight),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$waa #weight at age
#     Mataa = array(rep(t(fit$data$propMat),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$maa #maturity at age
#     Maa = array(rep(t(fit$data$natMor),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$M #M at age
#     laa = (waa/WLa)^(1/WLb) # length at age isn't used unless catch at length and mean length are simulated
#     caa = array(rep(t(caytable(fit)),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$caa #estimated catch at age
#     if(!stoch){ # deterministic historical reconstruction
#       faa = array(rep(t(faytable(fit)),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # f at age
#       naa = array(rep(t(ntable(fit)),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # number at age (million)
#     }else{ # rerun SAM 
#       stop("Stochastic samples of numbers and fishing mortality rate at age are coming soon!")
#       # Code in testing
#       param <- as.list(fit$sdrep, what = "Estimate")
#       param_sd <- as.list(fit$sdrep, what = "Std. Error")
#       mean_logN <- param$logN
#       n_age <- nrow(mean_logN)
#       # diagonal covariance matrix
#       cov_logN <- diag(as.numeric(param_sd$logN)^2)
#       # alternative with a full covariance matrix
#       SD <- TMB::sdreport(fit$obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
#       ind_logN <- SD$jointPrecision@Dimnames[[1]] == "logN"
#       cov_logN <- SD$jointPrecision[ind_logN, ind_logN] %>% as.matrix()
#       log_NAA <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, as.numeric(mean_logN), cov_logN) %>%
#         array(c(nsim, n_age, nscodData$noYears))
#       MAA <- nscodData$natMor
#       FAA <- array(NA, dim(log_NAA))
#       for (y in 2:nscodData$noYears - 1) {
#         SAA <- log_NAA[, 2:n_age, y+1]-log_NAA[, 2:n_age - 1, y] # survival
#         ZAA <- -log(SAA)                                           # Z
#         FAA[, 2:n_age - 1, y] <- ZAA - matrix(MAA[y, 2:n_age - 1], nsim, n_age - 1, byrow = TRUE)
#       }
#       naa = exp(log_NAA)
#       faa = FAA
#     }
#   }else{ # modified  / old SAM
#     dims<-dim(fit$naa)
#     ny<-dims[2]
#     na<-dims[1]
#     yrs = names(fit$input$dat$waa)
#     CurrentYr = max(as.numeric(yrs))
#     if(!stoch){ # deterministic historical reconstruction
#       naa = array(rep(fit$naa,each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # number at age (million)
#       faa = array(rep(fit$faa,each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$faa #F at age
#       caa = array(rep(fit$caa,each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$caa #estimated catch at age
#       waa = array(rep(unlist(fit$input$dat$waa),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$waa #weight at age
#       Mataa = array(rep(unlist(fit$input$dat$maa),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$maa #maturity at age
#       Maa = array(rep(unlist(fit$input$dat$M),each=nsim),c(nsim,na,ny)) # fit$input$dat$M #M at age
#       laa = (waa/WLa)^(1/WLb) # length at age isn't used unless catch at length and mean length are simulated
#     }else{ # rerun SAM with ignore.parm.uncertainty = FALSE
#       stop("Stochastic samples of numbers and fishing mortality rate at age are coming soon!")
#     } 
#   }
#   R0 = apply(naa[,1,]*exp(Maa[,1,]),1,mean)
#   VPA2OM(Name, proyears, interval, CurrentYr, h=h, Obs, Imp, 
#            naa, faa, waa, Mataa, Maa, laa,
#            nyr_par_mu, LowerTri,
#            recind=1, plusgroup, altinit=0, fixq1=fixq1, 
#            report=report, silent=silent, R0 = R0) 
# }# 
Blue-Matter/MSEtool documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 5:01 p.m.