if (params$tabs) {
  cat('### Historical Effort {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}' )
} else {
  cat('### Historical Effort')

dd <- params$Pars$Stock$M_ageArray %>% dim()
nsim <- dd[1]
maxage <- dd[2]

nsamp <- length(params$its)
nyears <- params$nyears
proyears <- params$proyears

Sampled Parameters

Histograms of r nsim simulations of inter-annual variability in historical fishing mortality (Esd), with vertical colored lines indicating r nsamp randomly drawn values used in the time-series plot:

MSEtool:::plot.Effort(params$Pars, nsamp=nsamp, plotPars=params$plotPars, plot.num=1)


Time-series plot showing r nsamp trends in historical fishing mortality (OM@EffUpper and OM@EffLower or OM@cpars$Find):


CurrentYr <- Pars$CurrentYr
histYr <- (CurrentYr-nyears+1):CurrentYr
futYr <- (CurrentYr+1):(CurrentYr+proyears)
Years <- histYr

matplot(Years, t(Pars$Fleet$Find[params$its,]), type="l", lwd=params$plotPars$lwd, bty="l", lty=1,
        ylab="Relative F", xlab="Year")

Blue-Matter/OMtool documentation built on May 19, 2024, 2:57 a.m.