#dataframeName is a string and not the dataframeName object
#Checks if "tibble" class makes the object data.frame
BSkyCheckIfTibble <- function(dataframeName)
if(eval( parse(text=paste('exists("',dataframeName,'", where=globalenv())',sep=''))))#exists
if(eval( parse(text=paste('is.data.frame(',dataframeName,')',sep='')))) ## is data.frame atleast
## get all the classes of the object
storeDataFrameClasses <- eval (parse (text=paste ("class(", dataframeName, ")",sep="", collapse="") ))
if ( "tbl_df" %in% storeDataFrameClasses) ## does tbl_df exists in the list of all class
eval(parse (text=paste ( ".GlobalEnv$" , dataframeName, "<-" ,"as.data.frame(", dataframeName, ")", sep="", collapse ="")))
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