CoRiverNF: CoRiverNF: A data only package containing natural flow data...

CoRiverNFR Documentation

CoRiverNF: A data only package containing natural flow data for the Colorado River Basin


The CoRiverNF package provides total and intervening natural flow data for 29 locations in the Colorado River Basin. Natural flow represents the flow that would have occurred at a location, had depletions and reservoir regulation not been present upstream of that location. The total natural flow represents the total flow in the entire basin above a given gage. The intervening natural flow represents only the flow that originates upstream of a given gage, but below all upstream gage locations.


The package provides 6 different data sets:

  • Monthly total natural flow (monthlyTot)

  • Monthly intervening natural flow (monthlyInt)

  • Calendar year total natural flow (cyAnnTot)

  • Calendar year intervening natural flow (cyAnnInt)

  • Water year total natural flow (wyAnnTot)

  • Water year intervening natural flow (wyAnnInt)

The data are stored as xts::xts objects. See vignette('CoRivNatFlow', package = 'CoRiverNF') for examples of taking advantage of this object type.

The natural flows are recomputed annually and are subject to change without notice. All methods are fully desribed at


BoulderCodeHub/CoRiverNF documentation built on April 28, 2023, 4:15 a.m.