monthlyTot: Monthly and Annual; Total and Intervening Natural Flow

monthlyTotR Documentation

Monthly and Annual; Total and Intervening Natural Flow


A data set containing the monthly and annual; total and intervening natural flow at 29 locations in the Colorado River Basin beginning in October 1905. The data go through December of the last year of computed natural flows. Typically, natural flows are released on a two year delay, i.e., natural flow through 2018 is released in 2020.









An xts matrix with 29 columns (locations). Annual data include n-years rows, where n-years are the number of years in the natural flow record. Monthly data include (n-years * 12) + 3 rows. All values are in acre-feet. For annual data, each value is associated with December of the year for calendar year data and September of the year for water year data.

An object of class xts (inherits from zoo) with 1371 rows and 29 columns.

An object of class xts (inherits from zoo) with 114 rows and 29 columns.

An object of class xts (inherits from zoo) with 114 rows and 29 columns.

An object of class xts (inherits from zoo) with 114 rows and 29 columns.

An object of class xts (inherits from zoo) with 114 rows and 29 columns.


Natural flow represents the flow that would have occurred at a location, had depletions and reservoir regulation not been present upstream of that location. The total natural flow represents the total flow in the entire basin above a given gage. The intervening natural flow represents only the flow that originates upstream of a given gage, but below all upstream gage locations.

The natural flows are recomputed annually and are subject to change without notice. All methods are fully desribed at

Each of the 29 locations are represented by one variable (column). The variable names use a shorthand name of each gage location, e.g., "LeesFerry" is shorthand for the "Colorado River at Lees Ferry, AZ". See the "CoRivNatFlow" vignette for a list of the full gage names and their respective shorthand versions.

The monthly data will sum to equal the annual data for each location as follows:

  • Summing monthlyTot each year from January through December will equal cyAnnTot

  • Summing monthlyInt each year from January through December will equal cyAnnInt

  • Summing monthlyTot each water year from October through September of the following year will equal wyAnnTot

  • Summing monthlyInt each water year from October through September of the following year will equal wyAnnInt

The data include xts attributes (ex: xtsAttributes(monthlyTot)) for the source, the source workbook, and the sheet name the data were created from.


BoulderCodeHub/CoRiverNF documentation built on April 28, 2023, 4:15 a.m.