Man pages for BrendelGroup/BWASPR
Various R functions and scripts for the analyis of BWASP workflow output

annotate_methylomeannotate_methylome() This function annotates the methylome...
cmpSamplescmpSamples() This function will methylKit::unite() input...
cmpSitescmpSites() This function compares (potential) methylation...
cmStatscmStats() This function generates coverage and methylation...
det_dmsgdet_dmsg() This function generates lists of differentially...
det_dmtdet_dmt() This function generates list of differentially...
det_mrprdet_mrpr() This function determines methylation-rich and...
explore_dmsgexplore_dmsg() This function sorts genes by meth_level per...
get_genome_annotationget_genome_annotation() This function derives GRanges objects...
map_methylomemap_methylome() This function maps the scd and hsm sites onto...
map_mrprmap_mrpr() This function maps the scd and hsm sites onto...
mcalls2mkobjmcalls2mkobj() This function will select BWASP mcalls files...
rank_dmgrank_dmg() This function sorts dmgenes by ADMpNucl and plots...
rank_rbmrank_rbm() This function subsets the provided methylRaw...
setup_BWASPRsetup_BWASPR() Setting up a BWASPR analysis structure
show_dmsgshow_dmsg() This function generates will plot heatmaps of...
BrendelGroup/BWASPR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2022, 9:09 a.m.