MLPAiter: Iterate the MLPA model

Description Usage Arguments Value


Iterate the MLPA model


MLPAiter(params, num_times, ivec, N0 = 1)



A list with all the biological and biophysical parameters needed to run the model. Will normally be generated by makeMLPAparams()


The number of time steps to iterate


An integer vector with length num_times, with each element specifying the index of the dispersal kernel (third dimension of params$kernel) to use in each simulation year. Will normally be generated with sample(); included so that the same sequence of years can be anaylzed across model variants.


Initial population abundance in each patch, in units of number of individuals per unit of habitat. All age classes in all habitats are intialized to the same abundance


A list with two components. Nt is a three-dimensional array with the abundance in each age class at each location at each time. The dimensions are location, age, and time respecively. It includes time zero, so the third dimension has length num_times+1.

The second component is Wt, which is a two-dimensional array of spwaning biomass, arranged by space and time.

BruceKendall/FlowFishFishing documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:47 a.m.