
Defines functions lets.iucn

Documented in lets.iucn

#' Download species' information from the IUCN RedList online database 
#' (No longer supported)
#' @author Bruno Vilela
#' @description Get species' information from the IUCN
#' website(\url{https://www.iucnredlist.org/}) for one or more species.
#' @param input Character vector with one or more species names,
#' or an object of class \code{\link{PresenceAbsence}}.
#' @param count Logical, if \code{TRUE} a counting window will open.
#' @return Returns a data frame with the Species Name, Family, Conservation Status, 
#' Criteria used to estabilish the conservation status, Population Status, Year of 
#' Description (only for animals), and the Countries where it occurs. If species do
#' not have information (i.e. have not been evaluated), the result is: NE (Not
#' evaluated).
#' @details Note that you must be connected to the internet to use this function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.iucn.ha}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.iucn.his}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Single species
#' lets.iucn("Pongo pygmaeus")
#' # Multiple species
#' sp <- c("Musonycteris harrisoni", "Ailuropoda melanoleuca",
#'         "Cebus flavius")
#' lets.iucn(sp)
#' }
#' @export

lets.iucn <- function(input, count = FALSE) {
  stop(paste("This function is no longer supported by the letsR package.",
             "Users can look for the package rredlist for similar functions.",
             "See the note on our github page for more details."))
#   input <- .getnames(input)
#   # Matrices to save the result
#   ln <- length(input)
#   matriz1 <- matrix(nrow = ln, ncol = 1)
#   status <-  matriz1
#   criterio <- matriz1
#   populacao <- matriz1
#   familia <- matriz1
#   autor <- matriz1  
#   pais <- matriz1
#   # With count window
#   if (count) {
#     # Do not set a new device in rstudio to avoid warnings()
#     if (!"tools:rstudio" %in% search()) {
#       dev.new(width = 2, height = 2, pointsize = 12)
#       par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#     }
#     for (i in 1:ln) {
#       plot.new()
#       text(0.5, 0.5, paste(paste("Total:", ln, "\n",
#                                  "Species to go: ",
#                                  (ln - i))))
#       loopresu        <- .LoopIUCN(input[i])
#       status[i, ]    <- loopresu$Status
#       criterio[i, ]  <- loopresu$Criteria
#       populacao[i, ] <- loopresu$Population
#       familia[i, ]   <- loopresu$Family
#       autor[i, ]     <- loopresu$Author
#       pais[i, ]       <- loopresu$Country
#     }
#     dev.off()
#   }
#   if (!count) {
#     for (i in 1:ln) {          
#       loopresu        <- .LoopIUCN(input[i])
#       status[i, ]    <- loopresu$Status
#       criterio[i, ]  <- loopresu$Criteria
#       populacao[i, ] <- loopresu$Population
#       familia[i, ]   <- loopresu$Family
#       autor[i, ]     <- loopresu$Author
#       pais[i, ]       <- loopresu$Country
#     }
#   }
#   # Final table
#   resu <- cbind(input, familia, status, criterio, populacao, autor, pais)
#   colnames(resu) <- c("Species", "Family", "Status", "Criteria",
#                       "Population", "Description_Year", "Country")
#   # Making a data frame and guarantee that it is numeric the Year
#   resu <- as.data.frame(resu)
#   resu[, 6] <- as.numeric(levels(resu[, 6]))[resu[, 6]]
#   return(resu)
# }
# # Inside the loop function -----------------------------
# .LoopIUCN <- function(input) {
#   # Get species code
#   speciescode <- .getcode(input)
#   # Find the web
#   h <- try(htmlParse(paste("https://api.iucnredlist.org/details/",
#                            speciescode, "/0", sep = "")),
#            silent=TRUE)
#   # If not find, species set to NE
#   if (class(h)[1] == "try-error") {
#     statusi <- "NE"
#     criterioi <- ""
#     populacaoi <- "Unknown"
#     familiai <- ""
#     autori <- ""
#     paisi <- ""
#   } else {
#     # Look for the informations
#     statusi <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div[@id="red_list_category_code"]', 
#                                xmlValue),
#                    silent = TRUE)
#     criterioi <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div[@id="red_list_criteria"]',
#                                  xmlValue),
#                      silent = TRUE)
#     pop <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div[@id="population_trend"]',
#                            xmlValue),
#                silent=TRUE)
#     familiai <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div[@id="family"]',
#                                 xmlValue),
#                     silent = TRUE)
#     autori <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//div[@id="species_authority"]',
#                               xmlValue),
#                   silent = TRUE)
#     # Error control
#     if (class(statusi)[1] == "try-error") {
#       statusi <-  "NE"
#     } else {
#       statusi <- statusi
#     }
#     if (class(criterioi)[1] == "try-error") {
#       criterioi <-  ""
#     } else {
#       criterioi <- criterioi
#     }
#     # Sometimes the pop is an empty list.
#     if (class(pop)[1] == "try-error" | inherits(pop, "list")) {
#       populacaoi <-  "Unknown"
#     } else {
#       populacaoi <- pop
#     }
#     if (class(familiai)[1] == "try-error") {
#       familiai <-  ""
#     } else {
#       familiai <- familiai
#     }
#     if (class(autori)[1] == "try-error") {
#       autori <-  ""
#     } else {
#       autori <- gsub("\\D", "", autori)
#       autori <- as.numeric(substr(autori, 1, 4))
#       if (is.na(autori)) {
#         autori <- ""
#       }
#     }
#     # Countries
#     distr1 <- try(xpathSApply(h, '//ul[@class="countries"]', 
#                               xmlValue),
#                   silent = TRUE)
#     # Error control
#     if (class(distr1)[1] == "try-error") {
#       paisi <- ""
#     } else {
#       # Remove countries with comma
#       distr2 <- try(unlist(strsplit(distr1, "\n")), silent = TRUE)
#       distr2 <- gsub(',', '', distr2)
#       paisi <- paste(distr2, collapse = ", ")
#     }
#   }
#   # Return the information
#   return(list("Status" = statusi,
#               "Criteria" = criterioi,
#               "Population" = populacaoi,
#               "Family" = familiai,
#               "Author" = autori,
#               "Country" = paisi))
# }
BrunoVilela/letsR documentation built on March 31, 2024, 11:25 p.m.