
Setup a weather database

Example data set with three sites

  # Load rSOILWAT2

  # Load data for an example site: see ?sw_exampleData
  sw_in0 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exampleData
  tmp <- swSite_IntrinsicSiteParams(sw_in0)

  sites1 <- data.frame(
    Longitude = rep(tmp[["Longitude"]], 3),
    Latitude = rep(tmp[["Latitude"]], 3),
    Label = paste0("ExampleSite_", seq_len(3))

  scenario1 <- "Reference"

Create a new weather database

  my_dbW <- "dbWeatherData.sqlite3"

  is_dbW_success <- dbW_createDatabase(
    dbFilePath = my_dbW,
    site_data = sites1,
    Scenarios = scenario1,
    scen_ambient = scenario1

  # Check that database was successfully created

We will see later how to add more sites and scenarios

Connect to the newly created weather database and check if it is valid

  dbW_setConnection(dbFilePath = my_dbW)

  # Check that connection to weather database was successfully established

Query site and scenario information

  # Read entire site table and compare to our inputs
  dbW_sites <- dbW_getSiteTable()
  stopifnot(all.equal(dbW_sites[, colnames(sites1)], sites1))

  # Read entire scenario table and compare to our inputs
  dbW_scenarios <- dbW_getScenariosTable()
  stopifnot(all.equal(dbW_scenarios[, "Scenario"], scenario1))

Put together daily meteorological data and add to weather database

Here, we create three replicates of our example data with the weather generator

  # Weather from our example data
  wdata <- get_WeatherHistory(sw_in0)
  years <- get_years_from_weatherData(wdata)

  # Estimate weather generator coefficients
  wgen_coeffs <- dbW_estimate_WGen_coefs(
    weatherData = wdata,
    imputation_type = "mean",
    imputation_span = 5

  x_empty <- weatherHistory()

  # Loop over our three sites, generate weather, and add it to the database
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(sites1))) {
    # Generate weather
    tmp_wdata <- dbW_generateWeather(
      weatherData = x_empty,
      years = years,
      wgen_coeffs = wgen_coeffs,
      seed = k

    # Add to weather database
    tmp_add <- dbW_addWeatherData(
      Label = sites1[k, "Label"],
      weatherData = tmp_wdata,
      Scenario = scenario1

    # Check that weather data was successfully added to the weather database

Work with the weather database

Query database for weather data

  x <- dbW_getWeatherData(
    Label = sites1[2, "Label"],
    Scenario = scenario1[1]

  # Weather data is organized in a list
  # where each element, representing daily data for one Gregorian calendar year,
  # is of class "swWeatherData"
    inherits(x, "list"),
    sapply(x, inherits, what = "swWeatherData")

  # Run a simulation with that weather object
  sw_out <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in0, weatherList = x)

Add two additional sites

  # Information for additional sites
  sites2 <- data.frame(
    Longitude = rep(sites1[1, "Longitude"], 2),
    Latitude = rep(sites1[1, "Latitude"], 2),
    Label = paste0("ExampleSite_", nrow(sites1) + seq_len(2))

  # Add sites to existing weather database
  tmp_add <- dbW_addSites(site_data = sites2)

  # There is no weather data associated with the new sites yet!
    dbW_getWeatherData(Label = sites2[1, "Label"], Scenario = scenario1[1]),
    silent = TRUE

Add weather data for the additional sites

  # Loop over sites, generate weather, and add it to the database
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(sites2))) {
    # Generate weather
    tmp_wdata <- dbW_generateWeather(
      weatherData = x_empty,
      years = years,
      wgen_coeffs = wgen_coeffs,
      seed = k

    # Add to weather database
    tmp_add <- dbW_addWeatherData(
      Label = sites2[k, "Label"],
      weatherData = tmp_wdata,
      Scenario = scenario1

    # Check that weather data was successfully added to the weather database

  # Now, we can query the weather at the new sites
  x <- dbW_getWeatherData(
    Label = sites2[1, "Label"],
    Scenario = scenario1[1]
    inherits(x, "list"),
    sapply(x, inherits, what = "swWeatherData")

Add a new climate scenario to the weather database

  # Information for additional scenario
  scenario2 <- "+2C"

  # Add scenario to weather database
  tmp_add <- dbW_addScenarios(scenario2)

  # All scenarios
  scenarios <- c(scenario1, scenario2)

Add weather data to all sites for the new scenario

Here, we use again the weather generator to generate weather that is 2 C warmer

  # Add 2 C to our weather data
  tmp <- dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe(wdata)
  var_temp <- c("Tmax_C", "Tmin_C")
  tmp[, var_temp] <- tmp[, var_temp] + 2
  wdata_2C <- dbW_dataframe_to_weatherData(tmp)

  # Estimate weather generator coefficients
  wgen_coeffs_2C <- dbW_estimate_WGen_coefs(
    weatherData = wdata_2C,
    imputation_type = "mean",
    imputation_span = 5

  # Loop over our three sites, generate weather, and add it to the database
  sites <- rbind(sites1, sites2)

  for (k in seq_len(nrow(sites))) {
    # Generate weather
    tmp_wdata <- dbW_generateWeather(
      weatherData = x_empty,
      years = years,
      wgen_coeffs = wgen_coeffs_2C,
      seed = k

    # Add to weather database
    tmp_add <- dbW_addWeatherData(
      Label = sites[k, "Label"],
      weatherData = tmp_wdata,
      Scenario = scenario2

    # Check that weather data was successfully added to the weather database

Plot daily climate means for all sites and scenarios

  vars <- c("Tmax_C", "Tmin_C", "PPT_cm")

  x <- array(
    data = NA,
    dim = c(365, length(vars), nrow(sites), length(scenarios)),
    dimnames = list(NULL, vars, sites[, "Label"], scenarios)

  used_doys <- seq_len(365)

  # Query weather data for all sites and scenarios and calculate means
  for (k1 in seq_len(nrow(sites))) for (k2 in seq_along(scenarios)) {
    tmp <- dbW_getWeatherData(
      Label = sites[k1, "Label"],
      Scenario = scenarios[k2]

    tmp_df <- dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe(tmp)
    tmp_clim <- aggregate(
      x = tmp_df[, vars],
      by = list(DOY = tmp_df[, "DOY"]),
      FUN = mean

    x[, vars, k1, k2] <- as.matrix(tmp_clim[used_doys, vars])

  # Calculate overall means per variable and scenario
  round(apply(x, c(2, 4), mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2)

  # Plot mean climate variables
  colsc <- c("orange", "purple")
  colsc2 <- adjustcolor(colsc, alpha.f = 0.4)

  par_prev <- par(
    mfrow = c(2, 2),
    mar = c(2.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5), mgp = c(1, 0, 0),
    tcl = 0.3

  for (k1 in seq_along(vars)) {
    for (k2 in seq_along(scenarios)) {
      if (k2 == 1) {
          x[, k1, , k2],
          type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 0.5, col = colsc2[k2],
          ylim = range(x[, k1, , ], na.rm = TRUE),
          xlab = "Time (day of year)", ylab = vars[k1]
      } else {
        matlines(x[, k1, , k2], lty = 1, lwd = 0.5, col = colsc2[k2])

    if (k1 == 1) {
        bty = "n",
        legend = scenarios,
        col = colsc,
        lwd = 2


Disconnect and clean up


Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 1:46 a.m.