SWRCs: Functionality for Soil Water Retention Curves ('SWRC')

SWRCsR Documentation

Functionality for Soil Water Retention Curves (SWRC)


SWRCs convert between soil water content and soil water potential using a set of parameters, see swrc_swp_to_vwc() and swrc_vwc_to_swp().

The SWRC parameters may be estimated from soil properties with suitable pedotransfer functions PTFs, see ptf_estimate().

The SWRC parameters can be checked for consistency with check_swrcp().



A numeric value or vector. Sand content of the matric soil component (< 2 mm fraction; units of ⁠[g/g]⁠) of each soil layer.


A numeric value or vector. Clay content of the matric soil component (< 2 mm fraction; units of ⁠[g/g]⁠) of each soil layer.


A numeric value or vector. Coarse fragments, e.g., gravel, (> 2 mm; units of ⁠[m3/m3]⁠) relative to the whole soil of each soil layer. fcoarse is required, for instance, to translate between values relative to the matric soil component (< 2 mm fraction) and relative to the whole soil (matric soil plus coarse fragments).


A numeric value or vector. Density of the whole soil (matric soil plus coarse fragments; units ⁠[g/cm3]⁠).


A numeric value or vector. Depth interval, width, of each soil layer (units of cm). layer_width is required to translate between soil water content of a soil layer and volumetric water content.


An character string or vector. The selected SWRC name (one of swrc_names(), with default "Campbell1974").


An character string or vector. The selected PTF name (one of ptf_names(), with default "Cosby1984AndOthers").


A numeric vector or matrix. The parameters of a selected SWRC; each row represents one SWRC, e.g., one per soil layer.


A named list. Contains all necessary elements of a SWRC, i.e., name (short for swrc_name) and swrcp, or all necessary elements to estimate parameters of a SWRC given soil parameters, i.e., swrc_name and ptf_name.


A logical value. Issue a warning (FALSE, default) or throw an error (TRUE) if request fails.


A logical value. If TRUE, then display SOILWAT2 internal warnings and other messages.


Additional function arguments passed on or ignored.


swrc_names() lists implemented SWRCs; ptf_names() lists implemented PTFs.


Cosby, B. J., G. M. Hornberger, R. B. Clapp, & T. R. Ginn. 1984. A statistical exploration of the relationships of soil moisture characteristics to the physical properties of soils. Water Resources Research, 20:682-690, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1029/WR020i006p00682")}

See Also

swrc_names(), ptf_names(), check_ptf_availability(), ptf_estimate(), check_swrcp(), swrc_swp_to_vwc(), swrc_vwc_to_swp()

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 11:26 p.m.