ptf_neuroFX2021_for_FXW: Estimate 'FXW' 'SWRC' parameters using 'neuroFX2021'

View source: R/sw_Pedotransfer_Functions.R

ptf_neuroFX2021_for_FXWR Documentation

Estimate FXW SWRC parameters using neuroFX2021


Estimate FXW SWRC parameters using neuroFX2021


  bdensity = NULL,
  file_neuroFX2021 = getOption("RSW2_FILENEUROFX2021", NULL),



A numeric value or vector. Sand content of the matric soil component (< 2 mm fraction; units of ⁠[g/g]⁠) of each soil layer.


A numeric value or vector. Clay content of the matric soil component (< 2 mm fraction; units of ⁠[g/g]⁠) of each soil layer.


A numeric value or vector. Density of the whole soil (matric soil plus coarse fragments; units ⁠[g/cm3]⁠).


A character string that contains the file name with full path of the neuroFX2021 R object provided by Rudiyanto et al. 2021; The path to the appropriate file can be set per R session via option "RSW2_FILENEUROFX2021", see additional details.


Additional function arguments passed on or ignored.


swrcp, i.e,. a numeric matrix where rows represent soil (layers) and columns represent a fixed number of SWRC parameters:

  • swrcp[0] (theta_s): saturated volumetric water content of the matric component (units of ⁠[cm / cm]⁠)

  • swrcp[1] (alpha): shape parameter (units of ⁠[cm-1]⁠)

  • swrcp[2] (n): shape parameter ⁠[-]⁠

  • swrcp[3] (m): shape parameter ⁠[-]⁠

  • swrcp[4] (K_sat): saturated hydraulic conductivity ⁠[cm / day]⁠

  • swrcp[5] (L): tortuosity/connectivity parameter ⁠[-]⁠


ptf_estimate() is the function that should be directly called; this here is an internal helper function.

This function requires that users download the fitted neuroFX2021 neural networks published by Rudiyanto et al. 2021 in Supplementary Material 1 (resulting in a local file named This needs to be unzipped and the resulting tar file unpacked; this produces a folder ⁠R code for neuroFX2021⁠. This folder contains two R data files : ssc.RData and sscbd.RData. The argument file_neuroFX2021 is the file name (with path) to sscbd.RData if soil density data are available and to ssc.RData otherwise (see Rudiyanto et al. 2021). The path to the appropriate file can be set per R session via option "RSW2_FILENEUROFX2021" (and avoid passing it directly as argument to the function); this can be useful, for example, if ptf_estimate() is used for FXW.


Rudiyanto, Minasny, B., Chaney, N. W., Maggi, F., Goh Eng Giap, S., Shah, R. M., Fiantis, D., & Setiawan, B. I. 2021. Pedotransfer functions for estimating soil hydraulic properties from saturation to dryness. Geoderma, 403:115194, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115194")}

Fredlund, D. G., & Xing, A. 1994. Equations for the soil-water characteristic curve. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 31: 512–532, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1139/t94-061")}

Wang, Y., Jin, M., & Deng, Z. 2018. Alternative model for predicting soil hydraulic conductivity over the complete moisture range. Water Resources Research, 54:6860–6876, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1029/2018WR023037")}

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 11:26 p.m.