sw2_tr_VegBiom: Default vegetation biomass table

sw2_tr_VegBiomR Documentation

Default vegetation biomass table


Default vegetation biomass table




A data.frame with 12 rows (one for each month) and columns X.Biomass, X.Amount.Live, X.Perc.Live, and X.Litter where X are for the functional groups shrubs, X = Sh; C3-grasses, X = C3; C4-grasses, X = C4; and annuals, X = Annual containing default biomass values [g / m2] from Bradford et al. 2014.


Bradford, J.B., Schlaepfer, D.R., Lauenroth, W.K. & Burke, I.C. (2014). Shifts in plant functional types have time-dependent and regionally variable impacts on dryland ecosystem water balance. J Ecol, 102, 1408-1418.

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 11:26 p.m.