sw_exec: Execute a 'rSOILWAT2' simulation run

View source: R/Rsw.R

sw_execR Documentation

Execute a rSOILWAT2 simulation run


Run the simulation and get the output data. Executes the SOILWAT2 simulation model. Uses .Call to pass data to/from the C library.


  inputData = NULL,
  weatherList = NULL,
  dir = ".",
  files.in = "files.in",
  echo = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



an object of the S4 class swInputData which is generated from sw_inputData or sw_inputDataFromFiles.


a list of weather data generated via dbW_getWeatherData or getWeatherData_folders.


a character vector that represents the path to the input data. Use with files.in


A character string. The file name (and path relative to dir) of the files input file that contains information about the remaining input files.


logical. This option will echo the inputs to the logfile. Helpful for debugging.


logical. Quiet mode hides any SOILWAT2 messages, see sw_verbosity.


The input data for a simulation run can be passed to the function sw_exec either as swInputData and weatherList or as text files organized in the folder dir and explained in files.in.

There are three ways to pass daily forcing weather data to the simulation:

  • as values in the slot of the argument swInputData,

  • as separate weatherList which takes precedence over the weather data contained in swInputData, or

  • as instructions to read in values from files if dir and files.in are set.

If you have missing weather data, then you have to impute yourself or use the built-in Markov weather generator (see examples section). If you use the weather generator, then you have to provide appropriate values for the input (files) mkv_covar.in and mkv_prob.in for your simulation run - see dbW_estimate_WGen_coefs or dbW_generateWeather.


An object of class swOutput.


Bradford, J. B., D. R. Schlaepfer, and W. K. Lauenroth (2014) Ecohydrology of adjacent sagebrush and lodgepole pine ecosystems: The consequences of climate change and disturbance. Ecosystems 17:590–605.

Schlaepfer, D. R., W. K. Lauenroth, and J. B. Bradford (2012) Ecohydrological niche of sagebrush ecosystems. Ecohydrology 5:453–466.

Parton, W.J. (1978). Abiotic section of ELM. In: Grassland simulation model (ed. Innis, G.S.). Springer New York, NY, pp. 31–53.

Sala, O.E., Lauenroth, W.K. & Parton, W.J. (1992) Long-term soil-water dynamics in the shortgrass steppe. Ecology 73:1175–1181.

See Also

  • sw_exec for running a simulation

  • sw_inputData and sw_inputDataFromFiles for data input

  • dbW_getWeatherData and getWeatherData_folders for weather data input.


## ------ Simulation with demonstration data ------------
## Access demonstration data (including daily weather forcing)
sw_in <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exampleData

## Slots of the input object of \code{\linkS4class{swInputData}}
utils::str(sw_in, max.level = 2)

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in)

## ------ Directory to a SOLWAT project used in the following examples
path_demo <- system.file("extdata", "example1", package = "rSOILWAT2")

## ------ Simulation with data read from disk during execution ------------
## Execute the simulation run
sw_out1 <- sw_exec(dir = path_demo, files.in = "files.in", quiet = TRUE)

## Slots of the output object of class 'swOutput'
utils::str(sw_out1, max.level=2)

## ------ Simulation with data prepared beforehand ------------
## Read inputs from files on disk (including daily weather forcing)
sw_in2 <- sw_inputDataFromFiles(dir = path_demo, files.in = "files.in")

## Slots of the input object of \code{\linkS4class{swInputData}}
utils::str(sw_in2, max.level = 2)

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out2 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in2, quiet = TRUE)

## ------ Simulation with data prepared beforehand and separate weather data
## Read inputs from files on disk
sw_in3 <- sw_inputDataFromFiles(dir = path_demo, files.in = "files.in")

## Read forcing weather data from files on disk (there are also functions
##   to set up a SQLite database for the weather data)
sw_weath3 <- getWeatherData_folders(
   LookupWeatherFolder = file.path(path_demo, "Input"),
   weatherDirName = "data_weather",
   filebasename = "weath",
   startYear = 1979,
   endYear = 2010

## List of the slots of the input objects of class 'swWeatherData'
utils::str(sw_weath3, max.level = 1)

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out3 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in3, weatherList = sw_weath3, quiet = TRUE)

## ------ Simulation with manipulated input data ------------
sw_in4 <- sw_in3

## Set the vegetation composition to 40% grass and 60% shrubs
swProd_Composition(sw_in4) <- c(0.4, 0.6, 0, 0, 0)

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out4 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in4, weatherList = sw_weath3, quiet = TRUE)

## ------ Simulation with CO2-effects ------------
sw_in5 <- sw_in3

## Turn on the CO2-effects and set the CO2-concentration scenario
swCarbon_Scenario(sw_in5) <- "RCP85"
swCarbon_Use_Bio(sw_in5) <- 1L
swCarbon_Use_WUE(sw_in5) <- 1L

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out5 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in5, weatherList = sw_weath3, quiet = TRUE)

## ------ Simulation with reduced set of outputs ------------
sw_in6 <- sw_in3

swof <- rSOILWAT2::sw_out_flags()
tmp <- c(
  "sw_temp", "sw_precip", "sw_snow",
  "sw_inf_soil", "sw_deepdrain",
  "sw_swcbulk", "sw_swp", "sw_soiltemp",
  "sw_aet", "sw_pet",

slot(slot(sw_in6, "output"), "use")[] <- FALSE
activate_swOUT_OutKey(sw_in6) <- swof[names(swof) %in% tmp]
rSOILWAT2::swOUT_TimeStepsForEveryKey(sw_in6) <-
  c(daily = 0, monthly = 2, yearly = 3)

## Execute the simulation run
sw_out6 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in6, weatherList = sw_weath3, quiet = TRUE)

print(round(as.numeric(object.size(sw_out6) / object.size(sw_out5)), 2))

## ------ Simulation with different SWRC ------------
if (requireNamespace("curl") && curl::has_internet()) {
  sw_in7 <- sw_in3
  swSite_SWRCflags(sw_in7) <- c("vanGenuchten1980", "Rosetta3")

  sw_out7 <- sw_exec(inputData = sw_in7, weatherList = sw_weath3)

## See help(package = "rSOILWAT2") for a full list of functions

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on July 17, 2024, 11:26 p.m.