configure_caplter_project: Configure CAP LTER project details for a EML project entity

View source: R/configure_caplter_project.R

configure_caplter_projectR Documentation

Configure CAP LTER project details for a EML project entity


configure_caplter_project establishes an EML::project with the elements: (1) personnel (CAP PI and Co-PIs), (2) project abstract (project overview from CAP V proposal), and (3) funding (grant numbers for CAP I, II, III, IV, and V).




configure_caplter_project establishes an EML::project with the elements: (1) personnel (CAP PI and Co-PIs), (2) project abstract (project overview from CAP IV proposal), and (3) funding (grant numbers for CAP I, II, III, IV, and V).


establishes in the R environment a EML::project entity specific to the CAP LTER.

CAPLTER/capeml documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 12:29 a.m.