create_otherEntity: create EML entity of type otherEntity

View source: R/create_otherEntity.R

create_otherEntityR Documentation

create EML entity of type otherEntity


create_otherEntity generates a EML entity of type otherEntity.


  overwrite = FALSE,
  project_naming = TRUE,
  additional_information = NULL,



(charater) The quoted name and path of the data file or directory.


(character) A description of the data entity.


(logial) If creating otherEntity by zipping a directory, this is a logical indicating whether to overwrite an existing zip file that has the same name in the location as the temporary zip object to be created.


(logical) Indicating if the file or directory should be renamed per the style used by the CAP LTER (default) with the package number + base file name + file extension. The passed file or directory name will be used if this parameter is set to FALSE.


(character) Additional information about the data object. Should be quoted, and accepts (but not required) markdown formatting.


(character) For raster data, a desciption of the raster value.


A otherEntity entity is created from a single file (e.g., desert_fertilization_sampling_sites.kml) or a directory. The resulting entity is renamed with the package number + base file name + md5sum + file extension. File extension is always .zip if the otherEntity is being created by zipping a directory.


EML entity of type otherEntity is returned. Additionally, the data file or directory is renamed with the package number + base file name + file extension if project naming is enabled.


create_otherEntity will look for a package identifier and baseURL in config.yaml. 'baseURL' must be provided. 'package identifier' must be provided if project naming is enabled.

The target data file or directory can be located anywhere on a local computer but a renamed file or directory will be written to the current working directory.


## Not run: 

 # using default parameters

 desert_fertilization_sites <- capeml::create_otherEntity(
   target_file_or_directory = "path-to-file/sampling_sites.Rmd",
   description              = "long-term study site documentation"

 # set overwrite = TRUE - has the effect of overwriting an existing zipped
 # directory of the same name if the otherEntity is being generated by
 # zipping a directory.

 pass_codebook_2011 <- capeml::create_otherEntity(
   target_file_or_directory = "PASS-2011-Codebook-Feb2016rev.pdf",
   description              = "PASS 2011 survey codebook",
   overwrite                = TRUE

 # example without project naming:

 pass_codebook_2011 <- capeml::create_otherEntity(
   target_file_or_directory = "path-to-directory/Desktop/max_temperature",
   description              = "rasters of max temperature years 2000-2016",
   project_naming           = FALSE

## End(Not run)

CAPLTER/capeml documentation built on Dec. 23, 2024, 6:29 a.m.