Man pages for CC-HIC/ccdata
The critical care clinical data toolbox a list of ccEpisode to ccRecord one ccEpisode object to ccRecord object. two ccRecord objects
as.numberConvert standard IDs to numbers (character) which can be used...
ccEpisode-classThe S3 class which holds data of a single episode.
ccRecord-classThe S3 class which holds all the CCHIC patient record -...
ccRecord_subset_filesSubset episodes from the specified XML files.
ccTable-classRearrange and clean the critical care record into a 2D table.
code2stnameConvert NHIC codes to the short names
create2dcleanCreate a 2D wide clean table - low memory
create.cctableconstruct function of ccTable object
data.checklistThis a reference table of NHIC data items.
data.quality.reportCreate the data quality report the data quality report
deltaTimeconvert calendar time data in a record to delta time...
demg.distributiondemg.distribution Create a plot of the distribution of... a demographic completeness table (in pander table)
demographic.patient.spellAssign unique spell ID to the demographic table
extract_file_originExtract the original file name from a path and file removing...
extractIndexTableget indexing tables for time label, time-wise value, meta...
extractInfoextract information from data.checklist
file.summaryProduce a file summary table
for_each_episodeloop over all episodes of a ccRecord object
getEpisodePeriodGet the length of stay based on the first and the last data...
getfilterget the dfilter
getItemInfoRetrieve information of the query code/item names from...
getXmlepisodeget the episode data from xml
inrangeCheck if the values of a vector v is in the given ranges.
is.demographicCheck if the item NHIC code or short name belongs to the...
is.drugsCheck if the item NHIC code or short name belongs to the...
is.laboratoryCheck if the item NHIC code or short name belongs to the...
is.physiologyCheck if the item NHIC code or short name belongs to the...
lookup.itemsLookup items information by keywords
new.episodeCreate a new episode the RData database
physio.distributionPlot the physiological data distribution.
plus-ccRecord-ccEpisode-methodAdding one ccEpisode object to a ccRecord
plus-ccRecord-ccRecord-methodCombine two ccRecord objects
plus-ccRecord-list-methodAdding a list of ccEpisode objects to a ccRecord
plus-ccRecord-NULL-methodAdding nothing to a ccRecord object.
reallocateTimeRecordPropagate a numerical delta time interval record.
samplerate2dProduce a pander table of sample rate of longitudinal data.
selectTableCreate wide table from ccRecord
site.infoProduce a site id reference table.
sql.demographic.tableCreate demographic SQL tables. The data type of each column...
StdIdS4 class to hold standard IDs such as "NIHR_HIC_ICU_0001"
stname2codeConvert short names to NHIC codes
stname2longnameConvert short names to long names.
sub-ccRecord-ANY-methodCreate a subset of ccRecord object from the original one via...
sub-ccRecord-character-methodCreate a ccRecord subset via selected sites.
sub-sub-ccRecord-methodSubseting a ccRecord object and return a list of ccEpisode...
table1Produce the item specified table one. total data point of the ccRecord object.
unique_spellfind the unique spell ID.
update_databaseUpdate the critical care database (RData)
which.classificationIdentify the classification - classification1
whichIsCodegive id number from NHIC code like "NIHR_HIC_ICU_xxxx"
xml2DataConvert the XML file to ccRecord
xml.file.duration.plotplot the duration of XML files.
xmlLoadload xml clinical data the XML duration in terms of sites.
xmlTime2POSIXConvert time from xml to POSIX format.
CC-HIC/ccdata documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:23 a.m.