
#' Create/Reset the Database Table for Trust with same schema as `phase_2_demo` table
#' @description
#' Use this to create a data table for a new trust (or reset an existing trust table) to ensure
#' it has same schema as a `phase_2_demo` table because this is the table schema that the
#' phase 2 dashboard implementation is designed to work with
#' @param pool the database connection
#' @param set_trust_id the name of the trust table, should be same as `get_golem_config('trust_name')`
#' @param drop_table if the trust table already exist, should it be dropped and recreated or an error be thrown.
#' @param default_trust trust to use as template. 
#' @return zero if operation is successful
#' @examples create_trust_table(pool, set_trust_id = "trust_a_bk")
#' @noRd
create_trust_table <- function(pool, set_trust_id, default_trust = "phase_2_demo", drop_table = FALSE) {
      query <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s AS (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 1=2)", set_trust_id, default_trust)
      DBI::dbExecute(pool, query)
    error = function(e) {
      if (drop_table) {
        DBI::dbExecute(pool, paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", set_trust_id))
        query <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s AS (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 1=2)", set_trust_id, default_trust)
        DBI::dbExecute(pool, query)
      } else {
        stop("Table already exist")

  DBI::dbExecute(pool, paste0("ALTER TABLE ", set_trust_id, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (comment_id)"))
  query <- paste0("ALTER TABLE ", set_trust_id, " MODIFY COLUMN
                  `comment_id` INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST")
  DBI::dbExecute(pool, query)

#' create the api job table (api_jobs) in the database
#' @param conn database connection
#' @noRd
create_job_table <- function(conn) {
  query <- "CREATE TABLE api_jobs (
      job_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      date datetime NOT NULL,
      no_comments int NOT NULL,
      url text NOT NULL,
      trust_id tinytext NOT NULL,
      user tinytext NOT NULL,
      email tinytext,
      pin_path text,
      status tinytext NOT NULL CHECK (status IN ('submitted', 'completed', 'failed', 'uploaded')),
      PRIMARY KEY (job_id)
  DBI::dbExecute(conn, query)
CDU-data-science-team/experiencesdashboard documentation built on Nov. 30, 2023, 5:57 a.m.